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Everything posted by Gothangel2012

  1. Thank you. If it isnt SB what will sending the letter trigger as i dont have a definate when i stopped being able to afford the repayments, but have a definate date when i communicated with the Debt Agency. Sorry just worried it will trigger some court action or something if not passed the 6 years. Having read the information on SB because i acknowledged the debt by asking if they're chasing the other signature on the loan back in 2014 and offered £1 per month which was never declined or accepted that makes only 4 years 3 months so not the 6 years. As i have not moved home only remarried i think i may be out of options and avoidance for 20mths could be hard.
  2. Hi, new on here. I have also had same letter arrive (in my previous married name even though i told them my new surname)yesterday stating HPH2 taken over the debt. Yes i have a debt, stupidly entered into during marriage but genuinely thought if we split debt would be shared between both me and Ex husband. This is an AA Loan of £3920 Ex has gone underground so now after just me. Statue barred could you explain if it is from last payment made or last communication with debt company. I communicated 2014 advising financial situation and it went on hold. I last made a payment to AA in 2012 i think when i just couldnt manage payments on my own. Could anyone advise do i contact them and wait the high demand for money or sit tight and see if they try again. Thank you for any help.
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