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Everything posted by tonydevon

  1. I thought I would come back and update I did call them occasionally and all recorded, more to see what was said and gather more ammunition in my fight with them, getting totally different answers every time I did the SAR as suggested and I also followed the advice about putting things in writing. I wrote quite an in depth letter to the complaints dept explaining how I had been fobbed off and in my opinion just sent away with the answer I wanted to hear, to get rid of me then out of the blue a letter arrives at my parents address a cheque for £19836.90 Ive never got to the bank so fast to pay it in. 2 days later I had another letter, I was terrified in case they decided they changed their minds and wanted the cheque back LOL was response to my complaint letter and a cheque for £50 result thanks to those that offered advice and help, thanks from what was once a struggling depressed father, then got life back bit better and in temp accomodation, to then being single father raising my daughter.. I now can take her away on our first sunshine holiday and move to a proper house as I have deposit and fees etc
  2. its was a joint secured loan that we took out Im waiting for the letter to arrive with the official wording. now know that the PPI policy was only for 5 years, yet it was paid for over the 20 year term of the loan!!
  3. I will be learning and taking your advice to pursue this further now 11 weeks since I contacted them, after multiple calls and them failing to update my address details I finally heard from them my ex wife complaint was upheld and she was paid out her 50% £19k+ cheque as a result of her using the claimsguys but according to the claims handler at Barclays, in their opinion the policy was fine for me and therefore I wont be receiving a payment Im awaiting written confirmation of this, as I have now been told twice on the phone that I would definitely be receiving a cheque, just have to sit and wait.... I guess they were never going to make it easy for me LOL will update with any progress in the future, but thanks guys for the advice so far
  4. I tried that today. Nightmare on every phone call. They were supposed to have updated my address during a call on 31st aug. But they did wrong address so i couldnt get thru security. Then after ages on phone i argued that i was told they send me a cheque out. And the call was recorded so i could proove it. Oops big mistake. Call terminated as the girl said she didnt want the call recorded. Start again. Latest is that a claims handler will have to reopen and assess the case I will get a letter at some point but theres no time limit or guidance on that... So so helpful
  5. Greetings, this is my first post and Im hoping that I may find some help Im divorced from my wife and a while back she randomly rang me to ask if I had received a cheque? I managed to find out that she had employed the use of the claimsguys company and they found a PPI on a joint loan we had years ago, her cheque was for just shy of £20k, she had rung them and they confirmed that this was her 50% and not the entire settlement I rang barclays bank that the loan was with and they went through it with me, explaining that yes indeed the had applied and then been awarded 50% of the total claim, there was a 22K policy applied, and the total sum awarded was £39673.80 the problem Im now running into with them is that they keep telling me different things, 1 call resulted in me being told that they simply had to issue a cheque for my half and to wait for it, then another call I was told that the case was closed latest news is that her claim was upheld and she awarded 50% of the settlement, but I wouldnt be receiving my half?? what do I do to fight this?? its a serious amount of money, more than I earn in a year and as a now single parent it would change my life many thanks edit to add her claims company have rerally tried to get her to tell me to contact them, but I found out that she lost over £7000 in fees OUCH.. if I can sort this without them, I would be far happier
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