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Everything posted by alongworth

  1. Thank you again. I have looked at the pages you mentioned, and I think in most cases the police were involved afterwards where the person wasn't caught at the store. I'm thinking since she was and was told that there won't be any police involvement she can probably relax about this. Very true about the GP, will talk to her about this.
  2. Thank you, that's very good advice! Will talk to her about the GP, but wanted to put her mind at rest about this first.
  3. Thank you very much for your prompt response! My friend couldn't post herself as her English isn't very good, but trust me, I did tell her off for being so silly. She struggles with mental health issues and impulsivity, and I'm sure the amount of stress caused by this incident will deter her from any further criminal activity. Thank you for confirming what I have already been thinking. Just seemed illogical to me that they would involve the police later on, rather than dealing with the matter there and then. It's a tall ask, but is there any chance you remember from the case you mentioned, how far down the line it happened and what the circumstance were, i.e. why did the police get involved after the event? I was just thinking that it's been nearly two months since my friend's Watirose incident and she hasn't heard from the police yet, but is still on edge in case she might. Thank you again!
  4. I am writing on behalf of a friend who was recently caught shoplifting in Waitrose. It wasn't a significant amount, around £35 worth of various items. She went through the standard procedure of being stopped by a security guard, the goods were returned and no police were involved. She was also issued a ban from Waitrose/John Lewis. I have read the advice on here about what to do with regards to the RLP letters, the first of which she already received, however my question is about further police involvement. My friend is currently on a residence permit and is terrified that this case will go on her criminal record and she won't be able to extend her stay/will run into problems with the Home Office in the later on. I have spoken to someone who worked in Waitrose about 8 years ago, and they told me they used to fill in police reports approximately once a month detailing all the people who'd been caught shoplifting. Does anyone know if that information is correct? It seems strange to me that they would be reporting to police post-factum, rather than letting the police deal with it there and then, however I really am not an expert in these matters and was just wondering if anyone has ever heard anything about the police following up on a case later on without having been involved during the actual incident. Thank you very much in advance, any advice is greatly appreciated.
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