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Everything posted by Towerofterror

  1. Don’t know how to copy it on here I’m on phone or iPad, laptop isn’t working properly, the email they’ve sent is a headed letter same as you would get in the post & mentions nothing about tomlin or consent order (I’ve googled it) it just states what he agreed monthly cost wise & monthly date to be paid by each month then states if the payments are not kept up they will refer it back to court for enforcement & that they will possibly review in 6 months time, that’s pretty much it really
  2. Sorry don’t know what a tomlin/consent is
  3. They’ve sent over the email with all details but no mention of suspended warrant although it states if you fail to keep up repayments they will refer it back to court for enforcement, he’s going to ring the court in a couple of days to check it’s suspended
  4. Well no point going ahead with the N245 now as husband has spoken to Restons earlier & agreed a payment plan, £75 a month & they will suspend warrant, he was stressing too much he said & the fact the N245 cost £50 was just adding more cost I just hope Restons send confirmation in a letter & email that they’ve suspended the warrant like they said they would Thanks for your help guys it’s much appreciated
  5. We haven’t got a number for the bailiff just the court number we will offer less on the N245 husband wanted to offer £75 direct to Restons, other thing is on the N245 there’s nowhere to add other debts he owes only court orders, he’s not yet paying towards these but will probably have to soon but after outgoings it leaves a couple of hundred nearly spare but some of which will be going to other debts?
  6. Will the N245 stop the bailiffs , letter says they will come if no offer/contact made by Monday 16th at 10am, husband is worried court won’t accept a decent offer, £75 would be the most really, he had a breakdown & depression a while ago & im worried this might set something off again, he said Restons said on the phone they will suspend bailiffs if an offer is made Thanks
  7. The court said to my husband he has to ring them to make offer of payment or the court/bailiffs want it in 4 instalments, husband has already phoned Restons but told them I’m dealing with it for him, so no offer of payment made yet, I can’t get through to court but they told him to phone Restons?
  8. Yes I have read something about that, thanks I’m just about to phone restons but still don’t know what to say, not sure about sending an N245, I really don’t want bailiffs turning up, I know the rights with regards to not letting them in etc but we live in a quiet little cul de sac & you can see & here everything
  9. Yes it’s either credit card or Halifax overdraft, as we’ve not seen the ccj were not sure which one
  10. Hi guys, looking for some advice with what to do, my husband has received a letter from the court it’s a warrant of control, giving 7 days for payment, it’s a ccj he didn’t know about as it went to old address, his fault for not giving new address, I was going to fill out the N245 form & send that but after he’s phoned them they said he needs to ring the solicitor to offer payment, it’s Restons, he’s told them I deal with things like this & given authorisation for me to deal on his behalf, he doesn’t understand or deal well with things like this, they told him he can’t stop the bailiffs until he’s made an offer of payment, I need to phone them but not sure what to do or say, do I tell them I’m sending a N245? Do I do this or just offer a monthly payment, can’t afford a lot the debt is £4500, is £50 a month to low, he’s already got another ccj he pays, another letter before claim plus other debts, not sure what to do Hope someone can help & thanks in advance for any replies
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