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Everything posted by paddyohdear

  1. And further more to make it more of a test i have had to study a Part 20,cpr 35/pt 36,calderbank offers/protected party/ mackenzie friend.litigant friend.instruct two expert witnesses and what makes this totally mad to outrageous both parties have instructed the two SJE , Then to further do my box in i have 2 non parties in contempt of court where 1 has submitted a fake report so now committal proceedings make kick off soon before trial date ,all over a consumer dispute. The reason i ask about reversed burden of proof i have submitted 500 docs the defendant very little if i was to establish reversal i could not see how they could succeed .
  2. My situation is SOG where i feel at risk is discharging the burden of proof on the faulty product this is what you make call a irregular case for many reasons quite heavy for an lip so back to my original question at what point would burden of proof be established.
  3. Has anyone been to court in a consumer dispute section 14 not of satisfactory quality/not fit for purpose where the product was faulty in the first 6 months where the burden of proof is reversed how important would this be for the claimants case
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