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Everything posted by Savanannah77

  1. Yes I rang them yesterday and the decision was made to continue with enforcement on 3rd May, we were not informed although a letter was apparently posted.
  2. I rang marstons again yesterday in a last ditch attempt to come to an arrangement and was told it needs to be paid in full and I need to speak to tgd bailiff direct. I emphasised the fact my son has no assets, lives at home no job but in full time education and the lady told me they would still pursue. Am I right in saying I can go back to marstons then and say that because my son is 17 they cannot enforce the debt and I can quote that this? Is there such a letter I can send to marstons and SBC quoting that this is illegal and they cannot enforce the debt! I seem to be banging my head against a brick wall at the moment all of the info given is fantastic but they will not agree to anything. I need something to slap them with! Thanks all
  3. Yes technically they don’t, but my son has given a password to marstons giving me permission to discuss this. Thankyou for your advise much appreciated
  4. Thankyou, so am I right in saying they cannot legally make me ( the parent) pay as the debt is not in my name, however due to the situation I am offering to pay a regular amount to them so they get there money.
  5. I just need to know how I go about a payment plan with the bailiff who is not prepared to discuss such a thing only full payment. And marstons themselves keep saying they do not do payment plans I have to speak to the bailiff I’m getting nowhere. Surely there’s someone on here that can help me
  6. I’ve been told he is, I’ve rang several of these companies that say they can help with bailiffs and pcn’s but theres nothing they can do because he’s in full time education.
  7. Hi there, This was sent on 3rd April and the reply said it takes 10 working days to process, I rang on 17th and was told it was still being processed not to call as when a decision is made we will be informed. We received nothing until the bailiff put the removal notice thru.
  8. HELP!!!!!! Please ....... My 16yr old son went through a bus lane back in November 2017 on his motorcycle, the first we knew about it was when we received an notice of enforcement totalling £175 through the post from Marston’s on 29th March 2018 but the letter was giving us until 25th March to get in touch for a payment arrangement. We rang them and explained that this had been received after the date to come to an arrangement and this is the first time we had known about the fine. They were most unhelpful saying that the full amount needed to be paid to stop further action. I asked for evidence of the offence and they did not have this and suggested I speak to SWindon Bpurough Council. This we did and also they were inhelpful saying this was now passed to marstons who were dealing with it now. We explained that had we received the PCN’s we would have paid the priginal fee of £30. They had no photographic evidence as there files were now closed on this and everything was with marstons. We filed an out of time order with the TEC had no response and now we have a removal notice today for £408. My son is on full time education does not work as he helps me at weekends as I e just been diagnosed with cancer. He has no way of paying this and marstons will not accept an arrangement they only want full payment. I’m happy to pay weekly to stop this action if only they’d listen. My son no longer has the motorcycle as he sold it to use for tools for his college. Can someone please help or advise. I know the usual keep doors and windows locked but I need a solution to the problem.
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