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Everything posted by hamilton20010

  1. Hello all, really hoping for some advice on my story, will try keep it short as much as possible! i am going to be brutally honest i developed a gambling addiction about 6 years ago, what started out as fun soon became addictive. one loan turned into another and then payday loans started which were so easy to get ( i know there is responsibility on my side but if you have never been inside a gamblers mind it doesnt work the same way as a normal person when it comes to finding the next " loan " ) i am now taking steps to recover from this as all my family knows in the meantime i wonder if i can claim for irresponsible lending against the below firms due to the fact i had several defaults on my file, one as recent as 2018 and multiple accounts showing in arrears/defaulted from 5 years ago, multiple search history on my file which shows how desperate i was to get credit all showing at the time they credit checked me when i applied for a loan with them Mr Lender - 18th Feb £200 - with interest £311 Wonga - 28th Feb - £200 - With interest £234 Myjar - 31st March - £100 - With Interest £150 Cash4unow -10th April - £200 - With Interest £295 Loans2go - 13th April - £200 - with Interest £1019 (took out for longer term) Oakam - 17th April - £150 - With Interest £311 Peachy - 19th April - £100 initially then allowed me to top up with an extra £200 on the same day - With Interest £556 i would like to state that Peachy havent done a credit check, spoke to them this morning and they say they do credit checks, i checked my file on noddle for the 19th and there is no footprint from them on that date under Peachy or cash on go ltd (funny enough in my accounts its registered i have an active loan with them) with all the defaults and accounts in arrears and my credit rating being 1 out of 5 (its at the lowest end of available credit score) surely all this should have alarmed them to consider not giving me the loan and it should have showed i couldnt afford to repay anything. how can they call themselves responsible lenders? surely the defaults themselves should have caused them to say " this person cant pay loans back that are over 5 years old " any thoughts how i should progress with this? i have sent email off to them all lodging a complaint not using any templates as i wanted to write it myself as i dont feel a template really fitted the point im trying to get across to them.
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