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Everything posted by LAVAV

  1. Hello, Help required!! Does the OP have an update on this situation as similar thing just happened to me (without the disabled spot) My situation is my car had been having another engine fitted, while it was in the local garage the MoT and Road Tax ran out so I declared it SORN (but kept it insured). fast forward 3 months and car is delivered back to me on breakdown truck due to no tax etc. but covering my driveway (dropped kerb, official driveway BUT council owned property) Car was dropped off 07/03 Wednesday night, I booked it in for MoT immediately but earliest booked appointment was for following Monday (12/03). On Friday morning I was clamped by DVLA for no tax, release fee £260. ... then on Monday morning drove car for MoT when I returned home I had received a letter off DVLA stating that my car had been seen on the road on 2 occasions and had 2 fines totalling £847. now they have been kind and given me an extension of a further 2 weeks to pay the out of court settlement. So my questions are? is this worth attending court to explain in more detail? or could that all end in tears. Is a fine of over £1000 correct when I thought I had done everything legally. surely if I was actually driving around with no tax then fair enough but I had even paid for a recovery truck to bring it back from having the engine work done. just to be law abiding. I cant afford the fine at all, and I just feel like this is extremely unfair, as i'm typing this 2 little noisy motorbikes have just been speeding down my road with no helmets on.... I assume they will get huge fine as well?!?! any help, advice or even criticism will be welcome because I honestly cant see what I did wrong.
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