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Everything posted by sah1213

  1. yes i used the cisheet which is been used in shelly threads i have done lot of reading on few threads .letter is printed and i have also printed poc as well thanks ok i have send sar to lowell group as well to find out what actually happened to the account but in capital one SAR they didn't show that account was paid or any letter to say that it was sold to DCA. application form and statement and and one spread sheet which shows that just charges and closing balance .but i do remembered paying lowell . can you explain bit more please if you got time about interest rate etc? thanks
  2. account was close in 2007 and sold to LOWLL i cleared the account in 2007 . it was outstanding £396 .BUT i paid £200 i think to settle the account.
  3. oh ok i just posted again .ok i will continue post here then . so any advice on interest rate dx?
  4. Hi All if any one can help , i am looking to claim credit card charges ,late payment and over limit fee . SARicon done to capital one and received every thing account was opened in 2005 january . charges in total is £200 interest rate was 34.9% i have done the spread at the interest rate of 34.9% so total amount is coming nearly £9000. should i charge 34.9% or lower ? I have been to court few times on hearing with lowell and won (its was mobile phone contracts) this claim is for my survival and i am willing to go to hearing (if its comes to that point ) but first time taking someone to court if any one can guide me with my claim . My reason for same interest as on card is that go for higher amount and then settle for bit lower reasonable amount any chance of success at that rate? thanks in advance
  5. Hi All if any one can help , i am looking to claim credit card charges ,late payment and over limit fee . SAR done to capital one and received every thing account was opened in 2005 january . charges in total is £200 interest rate was 34.9% i have done the spread at the interest rate of 34.9% so total amount is coming nearly £9000. should i charge 34.9% or lower ? I have been to court few times on hearing with lowell and won (its was mobile phone contracts) this claim is for my survival and i am willing to go to hearing (if its comes to that point ) but first time taking someone to court if any one can guide me with my claim . My reason for same interest as on card is that go for higher amount and then settle for bit lower reasonable amount any chance of success at that rate? thanks in advance
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