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Everything posted by jchneo

  1. After the recent changes to unauthorised overdraft fees/charges, i believe every effort should be made to force the banks into repaying the money they have squeezed out of their customers, especially Lloyds. The fees/charges were disgraceful, £10 a day for a maximum of 8 days and then the interest on top, also a charge for being overdrawn was applied, basically there were months i received almost £90 in charges for being merely £20 overdrawn, it's downright disgusting that these banks have been allowed to get away with this for so long. I tried on a few occasions to arrange an overdraft but was refused, yet Lloyds were quite willing to allow me to go overdrawn without authorisation and squeeze out these fees from me. They are honestly a disgrace, and should be made to payback what they have taken, i would love for this to go the same way PPI did, so the FCA needs to make this happen.
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