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Everything posted by rockystar

  1. Hmmm, makes me think that I should look into other past accounts about PPI as I keep seeing the deadline is the end of August but not sure how to go about it! Thanks again for your support with this
  2. Hi again Thanks for unlocking the thread. Below is the main part of the letter: 'Dear ******** Interest Charging on Repayment Option Plan As you will be aware, this account has been sold to Lowell. We are writing to let you know about a matter that has arisen prior to the account being passed to Lowell. We could have done a better job explaining the way interest was charged in relation to your Repayment Option Plan. You are entitled to a refund of £135.23 You do not need to do anything – A cheque is enclosed for this amount. We are writing to you about the recent investigation by the Financial conduct Authority ('FCA') into Repayment Option Plan ('ROP'). We agree with the FCA's conclusion that we did not, during the call where you opted-in to the product, tell you that charges for the Plan attracted interest at you purchase interest rate (though this was disclosed in writing before and after the call). We could have done more to ensure you understood the interest charges on ROP, for which we apologise. You are entitled to a refund of all interest charged on ROP. Your are also entitled to 8% simple interest for any period your account would otherwise have been in credit. We have agreed the method of calculating the refund =with the FCA (under its statutory powers.) A breakdown of the amount being refunded is below...' So, this threw me a bit and I wanted to get your take on it. Is this anything to do with PPI? Should I just cash it or press for more information? After all that angst and hassle, this!!! Thank you
  3. Hello again So they received a letter on October 8th 'in a bid to resolve the matter without further delay, our Client is willing to accept the sum of £705.99 (inclusive of fees and costs) to conclude the Court proceedings and will agree not to pursue any remaining debt.' The Current Balance is £1,411.99, so this is half. Restons gave today (November7) as the deadline and say this settlement figure 'will be automatically withdrawn if not accepted by this date.' The letter also says that 'If you are unable to raise the sum, we confirm our client is still prepared to accept payment of the debt by instalments.' There's a financial questionnaire attached to be returned by COP today as well. They suggest a Tomlin order may be filed depending on the offer of payment preferred and the length of time it will take to clear the debt. They end by saying 'If you have any queries regarding the content of this letter or wish to discuss any settlement proposals, please do not hesitate to contact this office on the above telephone number.' So, my friend has not responded and wonders if they may still accept an offer after today? And they would also like advice on what you all feel is the best way forward. Thank you for letting me pick your brains once again and thanks for any and all advice and help given. Best
  4. Hello! I thought I'd posted after the court case but it's not here! Really sorry. ( You were right Andyorch, they did use a rent a Sol who asked to speak with me before the hearing. She tried to use the £175 court fees as leverage to get me to sign up to paying £5/month for the rest of my life! When I mentioned what the "recovery executive" from Lowell had said —that they didn't care if it took me 10 or 20 years to pay this off —she asked me to leave the room and made a call to Lowells. When I went back in they had a agreed to settle for the £650 I had previously offered. So it's settled. Phew! I can't tell you how helpful and supportive I have found this group and I can't thank you all enough. Andyorch, dx100uk, jon8214, Old Cogger—thank you all so much for helping me through this. You've all been fantastic! So sorry my initial reply didn't post. It was a lot more detailed! Thanks again everyone x
  5. One quick question: In my conversation on Thursday with Lowells, I was told "It doesn't matter to us whether it takes you 10 or 20 years to pay this". I recorded the conversation. Should I mention this, that I recorded it and the quote? Thanks
  6. Okay, thanks. I know you're right, it's just so unsettling. Thanks for all your help on this and I'll let you know how it goes. Thank you so much
  7. So, I went back and offered £650 on Saturday morning and was told I needed to call back Monday morning as no one was available. Called back this morning and they still rejected it. So I'm due in court at 2pm. Feeling sick. All of this is really baffling to me, to be honest. I don't know how to defend myself or what to say or not say. Can anyone give me advice on that? Is there anything I should definitely not say/anything I should? Thanks everyone!
  8. Is there any way I can/will win this? Seems so unlikely and I will likely be too nervous to make sense of it all.
  9. Thanks dx100uk Very specifically, do you think it's worth calling Lowells again with a higher offer? As mentioned previously, I have scraped together £700 in total to try and settle but when they refused the offer of £450 and didn't try to negotiate, I left it. Thanks On their correspondence, they say their offices are open to 8pm on Friday and between 8am-2pm on Saturday.
  10. So no one thinks I should call Lowells again and up the offer? Could this end with me losing my old but useful car or having bailiffs sent round? O.o
  11. Could this end with me losing my old but useful car or having bailiffs sent round? O.o
  12. Thank you Jon8214. I'm not sure what that means Old Cogger. So no one thinks I should go back to Lowells and try and up the offer?
  13. Here you go! Thanks for your help Vanquis T&Cs for CAG 10 Aug 2018 11.05.pdf
  14. Good morning I didn't upload the Digital Signature Application details or the many pages of Pre-Contract Credit Information (T&Cs) as I thought they would just be standard. Nowhere have I signed anything on these pages . Also, I left out the pages and pages of transactions which are Exhibit PR3. How shall I handle this court hearing? Is there anything I should refrain from saying, anything I should point out. For example: should I point out that despite being unemployed with no savings or assets (I do have a 12 year-old Toyota) that I tried to settle before the court date? That Lowells where late filing, as Jon8214 mentioned. The conversation I had in which the Legal Recoveries Associate said that it didn't matter to Lowells whether it took 10 or 20 years for me to pay the amount under a Tomlin Order rather than settle before court. That there is no actual documentation with my signature on it. Etc. Any tips? And what do you think my chances are? Thanks
  15. Hi again, ai've uploaded the redacted exhibits. Thank you. Lowells redacted Exhibits-.pdf
  16. I certainly don't own a property! Not even a job right now I will upload, just taking time. Thank you all again.
  17. I thought they'd at least try and negotiate Been stressing out and running around like a headless chicken trying to get some money together but they don't want it, would rather punish a person. The idea of having this 'order' over my head for £5 a month for years and years is so depressing, y'know? I guess if I call back and up the offer, that would be worse than leaving it? I'll upload the documents as suggested by Jon8214. Thanks for your help.
  18. I have just spoken to a 'Legal Recoveries Associate' at Lowells (recorded it). Offered £450 in F&F Settlement. Said he didn't think the Defence team would accept it but he'd check. After a couple of minutes holding he came back to say that they wouldn't accept the offer, that they were willing to put a Tomlin Order in place for the full amount plus all costs and fees, that it didn't matter to them whether it took 10 or 20 years to pay it off under the order, and that this or court were the only options available. He didn't try and negotiate the amount at all. I asked to speak to his line manager or the Defence team but he said there would be no point. Hmmmmm.....
  19. One question... if I try to settle, should I deal with Lowells or directly with Vanquis? Dumb question, I know...
  20. Oh... Andyorch, if I do call them how should I put it to them? Thank you both
  21. Hi Jon 8214, do you mean the Paralegal Witness Statement? There's a helluva lot of stuff... Andyorch, really? Wow! Might give that a try
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