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Everything posted by Quovadisuk

  1. Thank you for the time in clarifying this for me . in this instance it is indeed a ureteral stent.
  2. In my instance the stent is in fact a ureteral stent....
  3. Thank you again for your valued support ... I will keep you posted. kind regards
  4. In the letters from the hospital and test results it is mentioned as a forgotten stent In this instance this stent is normally removed after 3 months to prevent future complications (calcification) which I have now learnt ...kind regards In this instance there was no mention of a stent being administered and despite having on going problems and infections was duly discharged from the hospital to GP services . Its only recently that the health issues have increased and the insistence that further tests and x rays be done , that the discovery of the stent was found . The recent appointment this month also confirms a "forgotten stent" with other observations ... so in essence was not aware that this stent was in existence until late 2017 ... kind regards Funnily enough I am already with [removed] but they seemed to be reluctant to take this on, perhaps now its been escalated to a serious incident they may well have another look for me , I have sent them copies , but have heard nothing to date . If not , then I will go as far as I can with the complaint and then try another for that legal lift if required . I will be replying to the complaints team by Monday to confirm registration of the complaint and that the claim is still within three years ( just ) . however I have pointed out the discovery of the stent only become apparent in August 2017 after a scan identifying it .. so have advised that this date should be used as this date was when the stent and possible cause of infections illness and pain .. Thank you again for the guidance and advice .. ....kind regards
  5. In short a stent was left in after an operation which should have been removed after 3 months , Two years later it has shown up in X rays and long term illness and pain . I have raised a complaint with the hospital as being clinical and medical negligence . I have now had a reply to say the claim has been escalated to a serious incident review panel (external). Does this increase the chances of making a claim against them ?
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