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Everything posted by FantasticDay

  1. @ericsbrother it's not entirely in my hands as it's my brothers company and they engage with him. My brother doesn't have time to spend on this ..he's far too busy, he doesn't have time to fight this, it's a nuisance and distraction. I'm asking questions and exploring options - not inventing problems, this is a problem.
  2. @dx100 thank-you for the correction - i.e. DD Guarantee. Can I explore the options a little further with you so that I'm clear of options and consequences? What happens if we don't dump the lease company (i.e. due to my brothers other vehicles for staff)?....should I just return my car? Do we have any other options to bring this to a close? Thanks again for your help
  3. Hi DX100 & EricsBrother thanks for the advice To clarify, we have written to the lease company twice, as well as email, once telling them he was prepared to sue, but not a third time. I've asked my brother to call the bank to claw back that money via ChargeBack. I'll ask my brother if he can terminate the contract - the issue is he has other cars and this may cause a problem for him. @DX100 anything in particular I need to put in writing when dumping the lease company? aside from mentioning they breached the contract. If my brother doesn't want to terminate with the lease company, due to the other vehicles and staff transport, do we have any other options? Thanks again
  4. Ok thanks DragonFly1976 - this sounds like hassle for my brother? what should we do to go after the leasing company to bring this matter to a close? I'm happy to terminate the contract and return my car.
  5. so if you were me and want to close this with least amount of agro what would you do? 1) Go to bank and request a refund from the DD by lease company .....then what? terminate the contract with the lease company?
  6. Thanks for the speedy advice! Much appreciated. How do I moved to conclude this? I'm concerned as this is stressful for my brother and also for me, it takes his secretary time to write letters and mess around with the bank . ..the letters are pretty mean from UKPC. I think my brothers getting really fed up .
  7. Oh no before I got a chance to write that letter to the lease company they have taken more money from my brother via direct debit - this is really getting dreadful now They have charged £100 plus £30 admin fee.
  8. Hi @ericsbrother how should I make sure that the lease company know that we're 'gunning' for them? My brother wrote to them already but this hasn't seemed to change their behaviour.
  9. OK 'chargeback' thank-you - I'll ask my brother to contact the bank - would you kindly explain exactly what to say - I assume I say it's a breach of contract ?
  10. Hi there So my brother’s company have received another letter from UKPC dated 30 May saying that if the anmount is not paid within 14 days they will pass to debt collection agency ...followed by Country Court if necessary (oh dear this is sounding very scary now). In addition to this - the lease company has take £18 via direct debit.
  11. i reported the issue on the phone. I asked for the complaints procedure, they couldn't tell me, instead they logged it and said I had to wait 72 hours for Customer Relations to contact me.' Nothing bad happened. I'm just upset that it may have done - they put me at risk of getting points on my licence. And I though that the money I had paid previously for the initial insurance would have covered a level of service to inform me of any issues or not having valid insurance. So i feel i paid for a 'service' that I didn't get. Yes bit of hassle suddenly finding out i'm not insured and having to negotiate again for insurance. Which they now have renewed. No major drama or anything bad happened. Just crappy service that put me and my family at risk as I wasn't insured when I thought i was.
  12. Hi there, My car insurance company told me not to worry I am on automatic renew and I didn't need to do anything. When I called to check something else (a few days past the auto renewal date) they told me it had expired - I was shocked! - they failed to notify me that the auto-renewal didn't work - failed to tell me that it expired in writing by post or email They say they sent me a sms (text) message saying "contact them before renewal date to renew". I didn't see that ...and to be honest even if I had because I'd seen the e-mail telling me that I didn't need to do anything ....and had a conversation with and adviser a few weeks ago saying the same thing ....I thought i was covered and everything was fine. Do I have any recourse here for compensation? I'm cross at their poor service and that fact that they put me at risk as I could have been driving uninsured. Please advise. Thanks
  13. Hi there, thanks for all the advice , my brother is drafting the letter to the lease company. I checked the agreement with the lease company (i.e. about passing data and 'fines and contraventions') see attached for your review. My brother is happy to allow me to fight this ..but is worried about impact to his company CCJ etc. Do you see any issue with the agreement? How can I reassure my bro? Thanks again for your help. Snip from agreement with Lease Company_Data_and_Parking Fines.pdf
  14. Yes I don't think they care. They only seem interested in passing this on and claiming admin fees. How should we proceed now and what is the precise wording I should use in my next letter? Thanks in advance.
  15. I mailed the letter to lease company (as advised above). I've received two letters yesterday - 1) from the lease company chasing my Brothers company for payment of the invoice £100 + £15 admin fee from them (i.e. my Brother's co. has the contract with the lease car co. but I was the driver) and 2) a letter to my Brother's company from UKPC directly chasing payment £100. I will upload snapshots of the relevant docs for your review asap today. 1 May letter to Company no.1.pdf
  16. Ok thanks for the advice, I’ve emailed the lease company using the wording you provided. So far they have not responded or acknowledged my email. I sent a second email asking them to confirm receipt of email - nothing
  17. Hi there So I’m feeling a bit worried about this now as I’ve received another letter from the lease company. The lease company says they received a ‘rejection notice’; if another demand for payment is received they will pay it +£25 + VAT Cretins say - transfer liability from lease company - it’s been rejected - paperwork does not comply - section 13, para 4, section of the Freedoms Act 2012 - did not have include a compliant statement of liability
  18. Hi there - many thanks for the advice, I'm writing the letter now. How should UKPC send me the POPLA code? - am I to put my residential address on this letter, I just want to check before adding personal information ... or should I leave it blank and let them send it to the lease company?
  19. So my next steps should be to contact the Lease company to tell them I am the driver, that I am appealing and that they can pass my name to UKPC? - I don't see anything on the form to provide this...just info on how to pay the fees
  20. Thanks for your comments. I used the word 'fine' incorrectly on this site, I've not used that word anywhere else - you are correct that word is not used on the 'Notice to Keeper' it says parking charge. The language used in the letter from the lease company says charge and fees. ericsbrother -'where he was parked'.. I was parked, not my brother. I wouldn't expect him to take time to photograph this area I can do that since this is my issue. I'm not clear on the way forward here - are you saying my brother should name me as the driver? Please would you kindly clarify this? Thank-you
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