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Everything posted by Deniz94

  1. So its okay for him to hit me across the face for standing on the doorstep? I want to receive compensation for that assault and £200 will not do.
  2. The second one my car had broken down (clutch totally gone) the car wouldnt move, it was towed to a side street and i left a note on it but they still give me a ticket. It was declined and they told me the date of the recovery and the date of the issue of ticket doesnt match..? So i just didnt pay for it and left it like that.
  3. So forget the court route whats the next step i can take? The stage 3 appeal review is pretty much bs they dont even have any contact info or what i can do? It states nothing about the assault and all they are pretty much telling me to do is accept the 200 quid and move on...
  4. If i do take it to court i doubt i will win a eac2 complaint as i dont have any proof. The only proof i have is the two witness my mum and brother that saw him hit me, will that be enough? Also yes it was for a parking ticket and i i just received a notice or something after 30 days i think telling me i owe the full amount. I called westminster council telling them this is the first i know of any tickets and they told me appeal so i did but i never received any letters or anything and i just left it like that.
  5. Is the evidence of two family members enough? They saw him hit me. Also would i need to get a lawyer or where do i start? I think westminster council will just tell me to sod off its nothing to do with them?
  6. I originally appealed the parking ticket as when i had gone to my car i had no ticket on it as someone had removed it most likely. I wouldnt have paid because i dont have that type of spare cash laying around.. Also bering in mind they never showed me any paperwork regarding my tickets.
  7. Reasonable force doesnt include assulting me to get me out of the way. If i make eac2 claim what do i have to do? Also my brother my mum and my sister who is 10 years old witnessed when he hit me across my face with his elbow. If i lose will i need to pay anything?
  8. How do i do a eac2 complaint? I paid them and they went away.. I would have thought they would give me my money back because the way he acted was unprofessional and he never would have got any money out of me if he didnt push past me and hit me. Sorry it was not a fine it was for a parking ticket. As far as im aware unless its a mags fine they cant force entry..
  9. They originally came for a parking ticket in my mums name but she is disabled and they did not do anything and started with my tickets. She does not know english very well and she wont get far.
  10. On the 1st of November at around 8am i was visited by two bailiffs from marstons for two unpaid parking tickets which came to about £800. They originally came for someone else at the address while there they saw on their ipad my fines and asked me to pay. This was all on the door when i refused to pay they told me they will go into my house (Its my mums house) and start removal of goods i informed them they cant come into the house and seeing as i am standing on the doorstep he cant come in little did i know and just pushed past me while i tried to push him away he hit me across my face with his elbow after this he opened his body worn camera and started recording. I immediately called the police and the police defended them and told me they have every right to come into my house blah blah blah... The police did not behave in a professional way and took the side of the bailiffs. I told the police at the scene i was assulted and they did not do anything We made a complaint to the IPCC and their managers at the end of it both police officers were placed on desk duties for a month and their inspector aplogised for the way they behaved. I made complaint to marstons as well originally made me a offer of £100 which i declined and into the second stage they increased it to £230 for gesture of goodwill, i declined this again and asked for stage 3 independent review. I have received the letter back today i think its the same people at marston that have reviewed it... All they say is they have looked into everything and the offer marstons have made is a generous offer and if i want to accept it contact them. There is NOTHING about the way i was assaulted and they forced entry into my house.. Just want to check where i stand with this?
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