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Everything posted by JackVan

  1. Thanks all, very much appreciated, seriously I mean it I plan to just ignore them etc, as they are not giving me a chance to defend myself, once again thanks all, I wish you good fortune, just not via PayPal
  2. possibly, pretty sure I did, I’ll check , I don’t think PayPal will argue however, they’ll simply say I’m wrong etc Problem is, the account I was paid with has fake number and address, it’s possible it could have my real ones from a year ago though if they kept it on record? When they change debt collector so they forget about? As far as you know have they ever bothered with anything like this in recent years? Do you reckon they would bother with £170 quid?
  3. No, I am worried that they will just tell me to pay it back, as that is their usual response I’m told, also I don’t want them to get my number and harasss me about it, the guy I sold to is ignoring me aswell
  4. hey all, thank you so much for reading, i recently designed a game map for a guy i met, i finished and sent the map of, he paid me several weeks ago and has now charged me back, i am in -£167.99, i am a student who has no money as i had to use that money for rent, previously on my account i had sent the money to another paypal account, before withdrawing from my personal account which has the bank account attached. My personal account has my bank connected, name, phone number etc, whereas my negative one has a fake name, fake address, fake number and no bank, as i didnt want anyone online to know my real information. As far as i know this negative account has not had my real names, number, address and bank account for over 6 months. Thats as far back as i can remember having fake names on it. So possibly before 6 months it may have had my real name address, but defiantly not connected to my bank. I am in trouble now, as they want the funds fixed by February 3rd 2018 (15ish days) this is impossible. I am scared this may not work out well for me as i have no way to get money to payback, so please what can i do? i am 100% certain that paypal will support the buyer as they always do, so there is no way to dispute it. £170 might not be noticeable to a billion dollar company, is it likely they will call up a debt collector? Maybe if they took the balance out of the account i sent it to(linked to bank) please help me, any input would be helpful, thank you:)
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