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Everything posted by andersbrand1

  1. Thank you just done so. Audi finance claimed the second attempt will be in 10 days time maybe this DD cancellation will be in time. Appreciate your reply.
  2. Hi New to the site and would be grateful for anyones help here. Myself and my brother both have an Audi lease agreement. Both business PCP deals. Term ends on both cars tomorrow. I have just found out yesterday after contacting Audi Finance that the balloon payment of £24.95k plus admin x 2 will be leaving our account tomorrow. circa 50k. We have today handed the cars back as agreed and taken out a new deal / car each. New cars / deal do not start until March 2018. Unfortunately the Audi garage we deal with had not informed us that we had to contact the finance company and clarify that we would be returning the vehicles, and stop the balance payment due. The guy at Audi who got us the deal says Audi finance should have contacted myself detailing what we had to do with regards to the current deals. Audi could not stop the payments due to leave our account on the 30th, too close to DD date. I have also been told today that they will try take the payment again in 10 days time and if not paid it will default. I was also told by the same gentlemen at Audi finance that there is nothing else I can do. After default it will affect our credit rating. Obviously I do not want to make payment as we had secured a new deal + cars returned. We also do not have the money to cover the payment. Nor can we make full payment. Does anyone know what Audi do after default? Has anyone any experience of this sort of situation? i am not concerned about the credit rating affect upon the business nor am I concerned with losing the next car /deal agreed. (deposit paid and likely gone) My concern is the procedure of what Audi may do after default. Regards
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