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Everything posted by MagicE999

  1. Hello all Firstly, thank you in advance for any help you are able to provide. I have received a money claim form which I am going to defend in its entirety and would really appreciate a couple of pointers. I have read the stickies and have put together a defence based on: Unclear signage Claimant not adhering to POFA- no right to bring claim to keeper Lack of contract The claim represents a penalty not a charge Claimant has no standing to issue the claim I have read through these points extensively and am happy with what I have. I have also filed an AOS and fully understand the process going forward. This claim arises from a car I owned being parked in a residents' only car park without a residents' permit. The question I have, is why is it recommended to email in the defence rather than inputting it into the MCOL system directly? Also, does anyone have anything directly related to trespassing that I can throw in to add another layer? Something along the lines of there was no loss or breach of contract, just trespassing, which only the land owner can bring... Thank you for reading this far. Magic E
  2. Hi ericsbrother thank you for your reply. When I say they I mean land owner and the company that has issued the ticket. My question is specifically surrounding the 6 months. If a ticket was issued 6 months and one day ago and I do not have a letter for the magistrates court is the matter now finalised from my perspective? I know they will probably continue to send me baseless threatening letters beyond this but would appreciate answer to the above
  3. Thank you for your replies Dragonfly and Silverfox. I will take a picture of signage and post here. Does the 6 months start from the date ticket was issued and do they have absolutely no rights whatsoever once the 6 months have expired?
  4. Hi there I'm being pursued by these people for some very unfair tickets. I know there is a lot on here about different approaches etc but I was interested in the 6 month rule, can someone please explain the law around that? Also, the tickets definitely say Penalty Notice not Parking Charge, does this mean it's official? Thanks in advance for all your help
  5. Hi there, hope someone out there can help. About 6 months ago I received a letter at my current address, which is a property I have owned and lived in for 2 and a half years, chasing payment for a parking ticket for a car that I do not own. The car is and was owned by my brother who lived with me briefly at my old property, which I sold 2.5 years ago. I contacted the company and explained that the car was not mine and explained the situation. My brother and I have the same initial and surname. Today, I checked my credit file and saw that a CCJ has been issued to me for £275 in respect to the ticket. I did not receive any correspondence at all in relation to the court action, and see that it was issued in my old address which I have not lived at since I sold it in 2015. I contacted the court and it was for a parking ticket issued in late 2016 for a car that I do not own and never have. I did not keep the correspondence I received a few months ago so do not have the details of the company that contacted me previously but this action has been taken by Gladstones. As the CCJ was issued less than 1 month ago I have paid it so it gets removed but can anyone point me in the right direction with regards to getting this money back and bringing Gladstones to account for their error? Any help would be much appreciated. Thanks in advance
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