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Everything posted by Tunde

  1. Thanks a lot for your help with this, I will check how to send the SAR, I am sure there is a link here for what to do. Once I send it to Barclays and have the information from them, I will give you an update.
  2. No, I did not know I had to send them a request, but Barclays confirmed it's been passed on to Links at the time. I had no idea I needed to do anything, i just continued making the agreed payments. I can't see any defaulted date in the summary or anywhere in the report. Is there anything I can do at the moment to remove it and also keep improving my credit rating?
  3. Both are Link accounts, inherited from Barclaycard, this is all it says on the file.......... Details of Account - LINK FINANCIAL (BCRD) Type - Credit Card/Store Card Account started 26/06/1998 Current Status - Up to date Entry code - C3 Details of Account - LINK FINANCIAL (BCRD) Type - Credit Card/Store Card Account started 19/04/2000 Current Status - Up to date Entry code - C4
  4. Thanks, that means it should no longer be on my file, right? How do I get it off my file if it is still showing? Thanks a lot for your help. Tunde.
  5. Thanks a lot for the reply, yes I mean the payment agreement, if the default still appears on my file, how can I get it removed? Yes I mean how else can i improve my score. Thank you.
  6. Hi all, Thanks a lot for your help here, much appreciated. My situation is that I had defaults on my credit cards and loans years ago (about 8 years ago), it got to a point I could just not cope with the increasing percentage of interest they kept adding to the credit cards. With the help of this forum, I was able to enter an agreement with the creditors and they froze the interests. I have been making these payments since then without missing any, started out with about £24,000, now down to about £6000. I wanted to find out what happens now that the agreement is over 6 years and how that should affect my credit rating. Is there anything I need to do that can help with the credit rating? I recently got a new credit card from COOP bank (it was a surprise!), I have been using it and paying back before payment due date. Is there anything else I can do or should do? Thanks a lot.
  7. I have now received the notice in my name and need to respond that I am not paying based on the fact that the sign is misleading and there is no where that it says the waiting time is 10 mins. Is there a standard template I can use? Thanks for any help I can get.
  8. Thanks. I will surely appeal it, please let me know if there is a link for a template to use. Thanks for the help.
  9. Thanks a lot for your reply, just a one or two things I need to clarify 1. The service address you mentioned, are you saing I should not give them my address? 2. When you say moan to LIDL head office, do you mean I should make a copy of the charge notice and send to them because I doubt a phone call will make much difference. 3. Is there a template I can use to appeal this or just tell them i am not paying based on the fact that there charge notice does not tally with the sign at the shop. Thanks a lot for all your help.
  10. Hello everyone, I received the above notice through my friend over the weekend demanding £90 subject to a discount of £45 if paid within 14 days. The incident took place on Saturday 05/03/16 at the LIDL car park in Waltham Cross, I was driving my friend’s car at the time so the notice was sent to him as the registered owner of the car. The issue date of the notice is 09/03/16. I apparently stayed for 22 minutes at the car park while the allowed time according to the notice is 10 minutes. I have since gone back to check and the allowed free time at the car park for customers is 90 minutes!!! (Picture attached). The only problem now is that I did buy an item at the store but it was cash and I did not keep the receipt, I remember washing the car immediately after, got rid of the receipt for the stuff I bought while cleaning out the car at the car wash before returning the car to him. What steps can I take? I do not want them harassing my friend who allowed me to use his car. Should I ask him to fill the form to give them my identity? Can I add my appeal against the ticket to the form immediately as well before sending it to them? I want to believe this is wrong as there was nothing at the car park that suggests you are only allowed to park for 10 minutes. When I went back to take pictures at the car park I met someone else with a similar issue. The store manager says they can’t do anything about it. Please let me know the way forward. I have seen a few posts about similar issues here but me not having a receipt from the store makes me wonder if I will have any problem.
  11. Hello everyone, just a note to say thanks for your help. Life is a lot better and I have not missed any payment. I am very grateful and would love to give something back to this forum, how can I do that? I don't have a pay pal account. Please let me know. Thanks a lot to everyone who helped, even my health and blood pressure is so much better. God bless you all.
  12. Hello all, it's been a while. I have been away with little access to the internet. A few developments: Halifax sent me a £25 cheque because of my complaints about how they treated me when they passed the accounts to Apex and Wescot. Apex are yet to send me the account details for me to make payments directly to them so I keep paying the original creditor. I cannot thank you guys enough, I was even able to take my wife out to watch a film this week!!! Not done that for about 2 years! Thanks a lot.
  13. I am off work tomorrow so I will be able to go into my branch. I will post updates here after meeting with them.
  14. Thanks brokebutnotbeatn, I will do that tomorrow and hopefully I can have a positive outcome. Thanks for your quick response.
  15. Thanks a lot guys for your help. They have both (APEX and WESCOT) agreed to send out the details to me in writing. Thanks a lot for your help. I have also been able to open a cash minder account with the Co-operative bank, I need to deal with the overdraft with Halifax as I understand I can't tackle that problem if I still have a current account with them. Does anyone have a letter template I can use in dealing with the overdraft from Halifax? what I will like them to do is allow me to make regular payments every month without interests. Thanks a lot for all your help. I am a lot better off than 8 months ago when it all looked like there was no hope, if not for the help I got on this forum, my life and that of my family would have been a nightmare. I cannot thank you guys enough.
  16. I want to pay too but will just like them send me a standing order form so I can have something in writing for my records in terms of which account I am paying into. I think that is fair enough. Thanks for your input, very much appreciated.
  17. I thought so too, thanks. I am going to write them saying they either send me a standing order form or I continue paying directly to the original creditor. Thanks.
  18. I have just contacted APEX and WESCOT to send me their account details in writing where I can make these payments but they both declined that they can only provide the information on the phone or by text!!! Is that right? I will prefer this information in writing for my own records.
  19. Thanks for your response. I have not received that letter from Halifax and I have written them to ask for the letter again. Waiting for them to reply me. In the meantime, I am continuing with the payment as per the arrangement agreed with Halifax.
  20. Fantastic, absolutely brilliant. I will contact them to send me the account details so that I can make the required payments. They already have the revised I/E form sent to Halifax. Thank you so much for your help. I am so grateful.
  21. I have received a reply from 'APEX'. The body of the letter from is seen below. I have continued the arranged payment with Halifax though they have refused to reply my letter claiming that the account is no longer with them but with APEX. I need to know if it's OK to make any payments to APEX? I was of the opinion that this account has been sold to APEX, I am confused..... Thank you for your letter dated 19 March. I am sorry that you have had cause to write to us. My understanding of your complaint is that you have not received notification that your account has been assigned to us and you have also requested details of our registration and licenses. I will begin by explaining that your account was passed to Apex Credit Management on 9 March to arrange collection of the outstanding balance. Having checked our records, l see that we wrote to you to introduce ourselves on 10 March and I have enclosed a copy of this letter. I also note your request for a copy of a Notice of Assignment for your account to be sent to you. As we have only been appointed as an agent, a Notice of Assignment is not created for this type of arrangement. We have, however, asked HBOS to write to you confirming that the account has been passed to Apex Credit Management. They have informed us that a letter-has been sent and I trust you will receive this shortly. Incidentally, your letter of 19 March refers to The Law of Property Act 1936. I feel it is important to let you know that the Act.does not apply in respect of this case; your outstanding balance is regulated by the Consumer Credit Act 1974, which details steps that must be taken when administering the account. Moving on to your other queries, I need to inform you we are not authorised by the Financial services Authority, but are licensed by the Office of Fair trading. Our Consumer Credit Licence number is 584761. We are also members of the Credit Services Association, which seeks to ensure appropriate levels of governance across the credit industry. Should you require any more details relating to Apex credit Management, you may wish to visit our website www.apex.co.uk Additionally, you have requested a copy of our internal Complaints Procedure, you will be aware that a copy of this was included with my previous letter dated 22 March, but for completeness I have enclosed a further copy of the leaflet to ensure you have all required information to hand. I will like any form of advise on what to do, like I said, I have maintained the payment agreed up to date. Thanks a lot for your help.
  22. Letters posted by recorded delivery, to get there by 1pm tomorrow and to be signed for. All receipts kept, thanks a lot guys.
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