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Everything posted by Kim.cleere88

  1. £727.87 and then by the time the bailiffs got here it was £2227. I offered 2k on the day and the remaining funds the next day but it was refused. Also advised him I am considered a vulnerable person but he wasn't in the least bit interested. He also told me he would be taking items such as fridge/freezer and things in my son's room. Nasty piece of work he was!
  2. My friends vehicle has been seized and a notice of sale has been received. I am the debtor. I have included this debt in my bankruptcy which was approved a day after the bailiffs came. The Official Receiver accepted evidence that this vehicle was not my asset. My friend has provided a receipt, a bank statement, a sworn statement and a letter from DVLA confirming the car has not been in my name since February 2017. The v5 was temporarily in my name for insurance purposes as I was borrowing the car. The owner has submitted an N244 application. I have submitted a form 4 in relation to a massive list of complaints about the bailiffs conduct. I have also written complaints to both the bailiffs (DCBL) and the creditor (UKCPM) The vehicle was due to be sold this Monday but I have not seen it on the auction website. It has been reported to the Police and they have said it is a civil matter. DVLA have also been made aware. The original creditor and bailiffs are refusing to respond to any emails. On the last phone call I had with them I was told the evidence provided was not enough to prove my friend owned the vehicle as I have to prove I never purchased it. I have emailed them asking if they would like a years worth of bank statements to prove no funds ever left my account for this vehicle. I have no idea how else I can prove I never purchased it or how else my friend can prove it is his. The only response I have had from DCBL is that the vehicle will not be returned until after the N244 application hearing. Does this mean they are planning on charging the owner storage fees if the Judge deems the vehicle is in fact his? If the Judge for some unknown reason deems this vehicle is owned by me can they legally sell it if I have been made bankrupt? I have spoke to CAB, national debtline, payplan and a whole load of other agencies. Any advice would be greatly appreciated!
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