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Everything posted by JO01

  1. HELLO PLEASE HELP, I have a car insurance with XS direct, during summer mid-July I was involved in an accident. the other party claim against my insurance the cost to repair their car over £5000. it was a really minor incident. I don't understand the huge cost. Unfortunately, at the time I have taken my insurance I didn't really understand what excess was and meant. so I sign up for a car insurance with £3000 excess because the premium was cheap. BIG MISTAKE. NOW, my insurance is claiming that I pay them the £3000 excess to compensate for the repair. I drive a BMW X3 54' Plate currently worth over £1300. I dont understand why I should pay them that much money. Please help. I use my car on the daily basis as well AND THEIR THREATING TO CANCEL MY PREMIUM. PLEASE HELP
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