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  1. He is not going to csa and i will be paying what I can. I am asking what will happen with the overpayment recovery. Will it be taken off his universal credit when he applies or will I need to set up a payment plan
  2. with the universal credits (he will get full amount) plus his part time wages, financially he will better off than me. I will still be paying some of the bills and will try to for extra stuff for the kids. i am only going to left with 100 - 150 month and that will be needed for food
  3. me and my partner have decided to end our marriage and go our separate ways. we have tax credits and housing benefits claims that both have overpayment recovery on them. I am the one that will be leaving the house we currently rent leaving my husband and 2 kids in the house. I have been told that i will have to cancel the tax credits and housing benefit and my husband will have to make a new claim for universal credits (both our names are on both claims). I will just be living off my wages and will not be able to afford to give my husband any money (I will be paying the bills while universal credit is being processed and all the things we have on finance anyway). He is fine with this but I am wondering what will happen about the overpayments. I will not receive anything in terms of benefits and I will not be able to afford to make any payments. any help would be much appreciated
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