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Everything posted by kheopsz

  1. My little story, in nutshell, the whole story quite long I had a hope in the first week of August, and I thought the new branch of Concorde in Milton Keynes would try to get and keep customers, and make them happy, because they opened this branch in July. Now I now it was a big mistake... Wed, 9th of August: a check-up of my front suspension/steering, the repair price would be £1325, I pre-paid £800 for "cover the main part price", the repair booked in on 14th. Mon, 14th of August: They suggested they would finish the car on 15th.That would be good, I told them we would go on holiday on Friday, 18th. They asked me "when do you want to pay the rest?" Tue, 15th of August: I called them at noon, they would call me back around 5pm, but "when do you want to pay the rest?" They did not call me at 5pm... Wed, 16th of August: I called them again around 8.30: they would finish end of the day, they would update me, but "when do you want to pay the rest?" They called me around 9: the part needs 7-10 days delivery, and it is the seventh day, but they informed me on recorded call a couple of days before. They DID NOT. Thurs, 17th of August 17.30: I was in personal the car is done, they have the part but some issues with persons so they put back the old one. They offered me a refund, I accepted it. 17:55: They called me it is a non refundable item, so I will not get a refund come back and they will finish the work. I sent them a letter later pointed out things: pre-payment, they informed me the delivery time and the "non-refundable thing "AFTER I agreed the repairing. It was a recorded signed letter, they signed it on 6th of Sept at 10:22... I had an email conversation with someone from the head office, but unfortunately they could not find my letter. (a strange correspondence they started to call me 2-3 times per day from 6th of Sept afternoon) For my story I have job card, bank statement, invoices, emails and they are recording calls. On the invoice (27th of October- why that day, I do not know) they charged me exactly £800. 288 for the steering work (they have not replaced the part!), almost 200 for two anti roll bar links and 293 for cancellation fee...
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