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Everything posted by rdm2006

  1. onthe claim form where it says signature its just got civil enforcement ltd and (claimants legal representative) underneath
  2. what do i put in defence? That they did not adhere to pofa and acquire the details within the 14 day time limit??
  3. sorry it wasnt the link on post 2, it was 24 and this link https://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/showthread.php?478045-CEL-Data-Protection-Breach
  4. With reference to the cpr 31.14 should i also ask for a copy of their KADOE agreement with the DVLA?
  5. Name of claimant - Civil Enforcement Ltd Name of Solicitors - cant find this it is signed (printed) civil enforcement ltd (claimants legal representative)??? issue date 01/10/2018 POC 1.Claim for monies relating to a parking charge for parking in a private car park managed by the claimant in breach of the terms + conditions (T+Cs). 2.Drivers are allowed to park in accordance with T+Cs of use. 3.ANPR cameras and or manual patrols are used to monitor vehicles entering + exiting the site. 4.debt + damages claimed the sum of 236.00 violation date 05/04/2017 time in 15:54 time out 20:08 pcn ref xxxxxxxx car registration xxxxxxx car park alexandra retail centre. Total due 236.00 (ref:www.ce-service.co.uk or tel 01158225020) 5.The claimant claims the sum of 263.98 for monies relating to a parking charge per above including 27.98 interest puruant to s.69 of the county courts act 1984 rate 8.00% pa from dates above to 28/09/18 Same rate to judgment or (sooner) payment daily rate to judgement - 0.05 total debt and interest due 263.98 added to this is 25.00 court fee and 50.00 legal representatives cost total claim value 338.98 has counter claiming stopped now? and thanks for the help
  6. ok court papers have arrived today can anyone help in filling this in and a counter claim for misuse of data Also will this be heard locally it says northampton on the papers
  7. ok this has raised its ugly head again. CEL are saying that the notice was not issued under POFA can they do this and what are the rules and regulations for this if they can???
  8. not sure what you mean by "in what capacity" I wrote everything as if she was doing it herself, apart from on here. If that is what you mean!!!
  9. big surprise Hoopla say you gotta pay. saying that as my daughter was the driver therefore they are not relying on the POFA. To me they issued a notce to keeper as they did not know who the driver was and that notice to keeper was not issued correctly. perhaps i'm confused lol
  10. oops - CEL have stated that they are not relying on the POFA as the appellant has admitted he was the driver. should read
  11. Isnt it Fraudulent Misrepresentation to claim to be part of an association/organisation and then not follow its code of practice?
  12. OK this is CEL's reply to the popla appeal. it is now asking for our comments? This is what the BPA have in their code of practice So (as far as i can see) they did not comply to the code am i right?
  13. Wonder if i should claim compensation for a data breach lol http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/showthread.php?478045-CEL-Data-Protection-Breach
  14. CEL are the idiots who have requested my daughters info on the 28/04 when the so called offence was the 05/04 wonder if that constitutes a breach ??
  15. Well Surprise, Surprise, the appeal was unsuccessful. Is there a standard letter for a POPLA appeal when they didnt request the info from the DVLA within the correct time
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