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Everything posted by Natnatalia

  1. It's Fuji finepix x90 underwater up to 15m. The woman in shop said that cause I haven't bought additional insurance they cannot do anything.
  2. Hi all I have bought fujifilm finepix x90 from Curry's in April. Camera meant to be water resistant up to 15m. I took it on holidays and first day was working fine. Second day as well. On third day I took it for another snorkelling trip.. I went to water first time that day and all was working perfect. I have made another attempt after 1 hour. While I was snorkelling water just suddenly got inside. Camera is damaged fully now when I went to Curry's they said they can't fix it or repair it and told me to contact Fuji. I used camera accordingly to instructions and I'm actually surprised that they won't fix it as I was checking all the time if cover is closed. Could anyone give me any advice as if they are right or not and should I contact Fuji or Curry's again? I haven't had that kind of situation before where retailer didn't accept product and sent me straight to supplier. Any advice would be greatly appreciated
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