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Everything posted by madge12

  1. Thank you Unclebulgaria67 Seems this will be a long one. Pen to paper it is Thank you for your reply.
  2. Hi everyone Wondered if anyone could help me. I work part time and receive my salary 4 weekly. I receive some Universal Credit monthly on the 18 of every month. Unfortunately the assessment dates of Universal credit may come within the dates of me receiving my wages within the 2 months, making it look like i have recevied one huge salary, which is not true as its just the 2 separate wages per month but paid within their assement period. I have contacted UC and they had said contact the secretary of state? This is gonna happen again this month where i will be paid £0 into my rent account, gratful for some help. There was a case with some women in the same predicment as me but the only differenc is that they were paid monthly and won their case in the high court. I have just found this: On 12 September 2019, CPAG issued judicial review proceedings on behalf of a single parent and her children challenging the application of the benefit cap to the mother’s universal credit award. The cap is applied to the mother despite the fact that she works 16 hours per week at national living wage, simply because she is paid 4 weekly rather than monthly. Permission to apply for judicial review was granted on 5 December 2019 and the case was heard on 12 May 2020. Judgment was given on 20 July 2020 with the court finding in the claimants' favour.
  3. Yes your probably right, companies are so adapt at misleading words. I will call up the insurers and see what they have to say. Many thanks for this.
  4. Yes you would think but its a permanent fixture.
  5. Hi its because its linked with insurance in general. around 2013 My car insurance used to be £45 a month but due to 2 direcr debits not going through it was cancelled, this was years ago. I had stopped using my car for a while, but as i started using my car again and looking for insurance its costing me double because I have had insurance cancelled on me in the past. Is there anyway forward in this mess as im trying to get car and piblic liability insurance for a non profit organisation i want to set up next month but i cant even get any quotes as i have had insurance cancelled on me in the past.
  6. Unfortunately i have been unwell and my car insurance was cancelled. i haven't used the car and did not know how this would pan out. I did contact the insurance company but failed. Im trying to set up a non profit food parcel company social enterprise for next year but insurance companies wont cover me or at high cost for public liability insurance Is there anything i can do as years have tripled since the initial action of the cancellation.
  7. Hi I work in retail with vending machines. These machines are new to company and manufacturer and many do not know how they truly work. The machines have a history of being temperamental. Now I am in the role and I have been reviewed as having lack of productivity as the machines don't work. I have been told by someone who said he was rusty on his knowledge of the machines, after he had been working since 4am in the morning. I was not given information of who to contact when the machine goes wrong or info. Luckily I found this out for myself. Whats my position as I do like the job, don't normally work in retail but I am enjoying it.
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