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Everything posted by JoanneL

  1. DX - IS there a link to Letter Before Action please?
  2. I have reworded the above letter. I removed the OFT bit and added a bit about them knowing I was in financial hardship I'll send to tomorrow
  3. Yes it's on the WF page/thread I am being really thick. What can I use to write to WF? Or the vary the one in the library for mortgages? Actually thinking about it, I can claim hardship. I've got all the relevant paperwork to show I supported myself and 4 children with no maintenance from ex during the whole time I paid the loan. Plus umpteen failed DD attempts causing more fees
  4. What happened? I have only just picked this up. I'm writing to them tomorrow with the first letter
  5. Can I use this for fees on a Welcome Finance loan, please?
  6. Super! Thank you. Dx100uk you have been amazing Hopefully the final question... What did if it's a loan in joint names, where they are divorced, no longer speak and I have always been the one to pay it. How can get the monies just paid to me?
  7. Interest added! Now what? CISheet v101 (1) JoanneL.pdf
  8. What interest rate am I putting in? If it's they 17.88% it makes the claim over £2000
  9. Yes still active as they say I owe £300 but it's all fees. I want to argue that they have had more than their fair dues
  10. OK! PPI is shown on there as a credit in Jun 2011. Here is my CI sheet. As you can see I haven't put in an interest rate. Is it 8% or the rate on the loan (17.88%)? CISheet v101 (1) JoanneL.pdf
  11. Drat. I'll look at it again tonight and re-do it. Thank you dx100uk for hiding it I just ran it through the copier at work then crossed off what I thought was all the identifying data. Then scanned it. Forgot some pages eere only one side.
  12. Here is everything Page 17 shows there was more interest on the charges alone than the charges actually were! now not page 17 mind - dx after redacation. docs1.pdf
  13. Ok. I'll scan them in tomorrow
  14. Also they have charged me interest on the fees!!! Shall I put that on the spreadsheet too?
  15. Has that worked? Can you see it? Also, I'm already up to in excess of £400 of 'fees'. They don't have a reason, just noted as 'fees' on the statements. Is that an issue? 29 Jun 2017, Welcome Finance.pdf
  16. Can I upload a photo to this thread?
  17. I love a spreadsheet! I shall do this a priority when I get home tonight. Than I'll come back to you if that's ok?
  18. I have all the statements. I received a letter yesterday asking to submit an early settlement figure for them to decide on. I'm on 0% interest but I'm damned if I'm paying them a penny more because it's all fees.
  19. Hello! I know the answer is easy to find but I can't find it! I have approx £360 left of an enormous loan with WF. I have refused to pay it for possibly a year now. Might be slightly less. I know there is a letter you can write about not paying the fees and telling them politely no. But I can't find it. Please can someone point me in the right direction? If I'm completely wrong, I'd love your advise J
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