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  1. Hey! I sent my letters off 6/7/17, sent them signed and 1st class so both received them the 7th. Hadn't heard anything of either until today where I've received a letter off CRS stating my balance has already been written off at the request of their client! So I owe nothing, just thought I'd update you and say thanks
  2. No I haven't moved at all, when I questioned the charge they said my address had been put down incorrectly (a few doors down) I asked how this situation was my fault when they'd input my data incorrectly and been sending letters to the other address... they still want me to pay this amount! I'll send the letters ASAP, thanks
  3. I've not been able to get to the bank yet but received a breakdown of my bill £29.97 - 3 months membership fees @ £9.99 £75.00 - 3 months missed payment charges @ £25.00 £66.50 - CRS recovery charge £36.00 - Trace fee Just thought I'd let you know what I'm been billed for
  4. Hey slick, I joined January 2016 My email say 11 months No notice given, as stupid as it seems I didn't realise any was needed Not sure, I'm going to go bank and ask for a statement Pretty sure it was February 2017 Was out of the m/ship period.
  5. I'll find a template on here and send a letter, thank you
  6. Thanks for the fast response, when on the phone earlier I asked her to send me a breakdown as to what I was been charged for. Do you think I should wait for this letter and then response with a letter stating I'll only pay for the one month?
  7. Hi I wondering if anyone could help me with a recent letter I received from CRS regarding Xercise 4 less. Since cancelling my gym membership via my bank and calling the gym to cancel this is the first letter I've received. My account balance is currently £207.47 with an added fee of £36 for tracing me - bearing in mind I've lived at the same address for 6 years. I rung them straight away to say I wouldn't be paying it as it's a ridiculous amount and that I thought my membership had been cancelled. I asked if I could appeal so they gave me an email address to write to, a number of emails have been sent back and forth. One stating the gym had an incorrect address and all previous letters had been sent there. from them trying to 'find' me my bill is now £207.47. I've stated I won't pay this but would pay a month and a late fee as if I'd received the first letter this is what they would be asking for, at the end of each and every email they say they could negotiate with the fee. Having gone back and forth with the company and going around in circles I've rung again today and a lady was on the phone I told her what I'd be willing to pay she told me I could reduce the bill by £40 if I paid today, I point blank refuse to pay for a bill that had it gone to my address in the first place wouldn't be so big. I'm due to have a baby in 3 weeks time and I'm really stressed about the situation, I cancelled outside of the contract and I just don't know what else to do! Sorry for the long post but if anyone could help or advise me I'd greatly appreciate it thank you. Just to add I cancelled in Feb and received this letter 19 June
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