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Everything posted by MaryA1984

  1. Sorry - only just seen your post, I haven't been on for a while. I didn't take it any further, my daughter preferred to just forget about it! It was a mixed indoor lesson, but she managed to borrow a t-shirt off someone so wasn't that bad at the time.
  2. Now this is all sorted out, do you really think I should complain? Or just leave it?
  3. Just to update. I managed to get my daughter a new PE kit earlier today, so will be ok for this week. Thanks for everyone's help
  4. Cool. I'll have a look. Thanks for your help!
  5. I'll pop out after lunch to the high street to look in charity shops. I've never heard of freegle - how does that work?
  6. I don't know about abusive - certainly embarrassing, and as you say, its her fault she left it on the bus, she's old enough to make sure she's got everything before getting off the bus and to be responsible, and she's learnt her lesson. There isn't 'official' PE kit, apart from the top, but they let her wear her school shirt so she wasn't literally in just her underwear. I just don't know where I'm going to get a pair of shorts for a couple of pounds before Friday. I'll have to ask around and see if I can borrow some.
  7. I've already called the bus company. It hasn't been found. My daughter's 14, at secondary. Although the school know she's not forgetting her kit, because she left it on the bus, they are still saying its her fault. They don't have any spare kit.
  8. I've rung them up, but no luck I'm just trying to see if someone can lend me a PE kit for Friday.
  9. My daughter left her bag on the bus last week. Had her phone and PE kit in it. I've got no money to replace any of it, so yesterday she had to go into school with no PE kit. Had to do the lesson in her knickers. She's got PE again on Friday, there's no way I'm going to be able to replace it by then. I don't know what to do
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