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Everything posted by Forever-Stupid

  1. I am at my wits end - any and all advice would be greatly appreciated. In my youth I was an idiot (25 now) I got into the trap of credit card then more then loans to cover the cards then loans to cover the loans. I have between 13-15K of debt across multiple cards and loan companies. I was barely keeping my head above water and then I was forced to resign due to my mental health and subsequent breakdown. I am prescribed meds - see doctors weekly - under psychiatric care etc. I am claiming ESA (first benefit in my life) however my debts are approx £850 month and therefore I cannot under any circumstances afford to pay. I have tried StepChange but the results were rather confusing - saying I am un-eligible or do not fit any criteria. So please...Any advice on my situation? I am beyond disappointed in myself - and would love to amalgamate all debts into one 'affordable' monthly payment. Thank you in advance. JB
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