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Everything posted by TheKarrotman

  1. Regards DD mandates, I don't recall ever filling one out for erudio. I'm pretty sure they just cancelled my SLC one and set up their own. Not an issue for me. Yep the deferment does seem different to the majority. Thesis send me the forms but SLC actually handle them (even though I have no remaining SLC loans!!!). Deferment is communicated to Thesis and Erudio. Bizarre but again not an issue for me. I'm just going to draft a letter to Erudio requesting an explanation for why they didn't take payments last year, why they failed to contact me prior to the default notice and state that I'm not in a position to make those payments now. We'll see where we go from there...
  2. my understanding is that they do have a legal hold over me. I'm under the impression that ultimately they could get a CCJ issued against me if I neither deferred nor kept up repayments. Are you saying that's not the case? My loan was neither obsolete nor defunked when it was sold. It will have been in the category of poor performers due to being deferred for pretty much 16 of the 17 previous years. I've never requested my CCA and don't recall signing anything except the original SLC one. TBH I've not taken much notice of Erudio until this default notice. I had a letter when they took over and noticed that my SLC direct debit was replaced by an ESL one. So its not so much singing to their tune as ignoring their tune and getting on with more interesting things. Again appreciate your comments -thanks!
  3. Thanks DX but you've got the wrong end of the stick - it is a bit of a waffly post now I reread it, sorry! Nobody owes me money and I've no problem with repaying by direct debit when I'm not deferring. The problem is that for 6 months last year when they should have taken money, they didn't and the first I've heard about it is via a default notice giving me 25 days to pay the 6 months of missed payments. I suspect it's not a legal default notice as they've made no effort previously to tell me about the arrears. In an ideal world, we'd agree that they missed their chance to collect payments last year and as I'm now deferring again, the default amount will be placed back on the outstanding loan amount and we'll all carry on our merry ways. But if they refuse that then I'm not sure where I stand legally.
  4. Hopefully this hasn't been covered elsewhere - I've spent lots of time trawling the Erudio forums. I have student loans from 1998 & 1999 which have been transferred to Erudio. I have an earlier loan with Thesis and so they handle my deferment application for all three loans. I came off a period of deferment in March 2016 but Erudio did not start collecting payments via direct debit until September 2016 meaning there were a total of 6 monthly payments that were not collected. I wasn't on top of my admin last year and so didn't pick up that only Thesis were collecting for those six months and when the Erudio annual statement came in September, I filed it with only a cursory glance. Looking at it now, it states arrears of ~£500 on the account but with no details of how they've arisen or how I could pay them off. hey're in no way highlighted which is why I didn't notice them. I received a default notice from Erudio in May 2017 which is the first communication I've had from them regarding the arrears. Calling them, I was told it must be because I hadn't supplied my direct debit details. However my bank account and address haven't changed since they were last successfully collecting payments in 2014 and they've been collecting payments since September 2017 without me providing any further details so thats not a reasonable excuse. My thoughts are that sending out my annual statement has somehow triggered my direct debits to restart and they've only just noticed now that they forgot to collect the earlier payments. As an aside, the amount on the default notice is less than the amount of arrears on the statement by approximately one months repayment which makes me think they don't really have a clue what they're doing. My problem is that I'm now back below the deferral threshold and really can't afford to repay the arrears until I'm earning again. If they'd taken the direct debits or communicated that I was in arrears last year then I could have paid easily but I'm really stretched right now. Does anyone know where I stand legally? I understand they should have made efforts to contact me prior to the default notice. I obviously don't want to default as I'm approaching the 25 year write off. I'm not sure where I stand morally either - it's their cock up but I probably should have picked it up. Thanks for any advice, TheKarrotman
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