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Everything posted by greyhotspot

  1. Loan Amount Loan ID Opened Completed Total Paid Back £185.00 #********* Feb. 15, 2012 July 23, 2012, £407.00 £175.00 #********* May 11, 2013 June 23, 2013, £280 £175.00 #********* Jan. 9, 2013 May 23, 2013, £358.75 £285.00 #********* March 19, 2013 None £461.70 owe £244.40 £135.00 #********* July 13, 2012 Nov. 23, 2012, £276.75 £265.00 #********* May 30, 2013 None £212 owe £528.40 £155.00 #********* Feb. 3, 2013 June 23, 2013, £317.75 £125.00 #********* Aug. 19, 2012 Jan. 23, 2013, £256.25 £125.00 #********* April 13, 2012 Aug. 23, 2012, £256.25 £315.00 #********* Oct. 12, 2012 March 22, 2013, £693 £165.00 #********* June 15, 2012 Oct. 13, 2017, £338.25 £415.00 #********* Jan. 1, 2013 June 23, 2013, £913 £525.00 #********* July 12, 2013 None £157.50 owe £1374.50 £100.00 #********* Aug. 3, 2013 None £0 owe £342 £315.00 #********* April 3, 2012 Sept. 21, 2012, £693 £210.00 #********* April 15, 2013 June 23, 2013, £386.40 The ones which were not paid have been sold to Asset Collections who are trying for a CCJ against me, which I am currently fighting, the outcome is due just before Christmas.
  2. I am trying to go down the Irresponsible Lending route with all my payday loans. I complained to Lending Stream and they have very quickly come back to me with this; Dear --- --------- We write in reference to your recent correspondence. Please note that you borrowed 16 loans from Lending Stream, out of which 12 loans were closed successfully and the ownership of 4 loans (Ref. No: -------, -------, ------- and -------) has been transferred to the third party debt collection agency Asset Collections & Investigations Limited (ACI). Hence, we would request you to get in touch with ACI on 01698 907055 for further proceedings in regards to the loans (Ref. No: -------, -------, ------- and -------). Affordability Check: We confirm that an affordability analysis is conducted for all customers (existing or new) and on each loan application. Our advanced analytics and underwriting processes review the information provided by the customer, all public information and details held by Credit Reference Agencies before making a decision. Your Experian score was ranging upto 722; which factored into our proprietary underwriting and deemed acceptable At the time of applications, you were full-time employed Your monthly income at the time of applications was ranging upto £2118.00 We could observe a sufficient disposable income, which denoted that repayments towards the loans can be made without any financial difficulties Rollover: We would also like you to note that a “Rollover” is an option provided by some lenders where a customer is allowed to delay paying back a loan on the payment of additional fees. Currently, Lending Stream does not offer this option. Hence, we confirm that the FCA regulation on “Rollover” Loans is not applicable to us. Credit file/Data Validation: When a customer requests for a credit report from a Credit Reference Agency, he may acquire specific information including names of different lenders and their respective reporting. However, when a financial institution does a credit search on a customer’s credit report, they are not privy to that exact information. Hence, our decision to lend money does in part rely on the information received from Experian (credit scores). Financial Difficulties: Our constant message to customers whose circumstances change or who experience hardship is to speak to us and we will work something out together. Upon reviewing your account, we found that the required assistance was offered, whenever, we were informed about the change in your circumstances. In lieu of the overall situation, we believe that Lending Stream has behaved responsibly in approving your loans. Hence, we would request you to get in touch with Asset Collections & Investigations Limited (ACI) for further proceedings. Else, you may ask them to contact us directly in case they require any account specific details. For further queries, please email us at info@lendingstream.co.uk or call us on 0203 365 0138 (Monday to Friday between 7 am to 10 pm). Call charges apply. Regards, Lending Stream Customer Service Do I go back to LS and ask if this is their final decision before I take it to the FOS? I have seen people negotiate and it hasnt needed to go to the FOS and they have had an offer. If I do go back to them what do I say? Or do I just take that as their final decision and go to FOS asap? Many Thanks
  3. Not too sure, this was in an email from QQ IN 2012 'As a result, we have SOLD your debt to a third-party collection agency. This agency owns ALL legal rights to the amount owed. All inquiries regarding this debt should be directed to the agency listed below. If you would like to make a payment, please contact the debt collection agency: Mackenzie Hall (0) 1563 554 788'
  4. It was swift sterling ... does that make a difference DX? As they were based in Malta ...
  5. Ah! Not quite no ... looks like it was 29/12/11 unless I started to pay to whoever it was sold to ... which I think was mckenzine hall, but sure I had a letter from PRA group about this about 2 months ago.
  6. Tried to do IR lending compaint with Quick Quid. They said No as loans are over 6 years old. Its not much but its a lot to me right now. Also I didnt pay back one of the loans but it has been sold on, to PRA Group I think .... Should I bother sending to Ombudsman? Or write this one off? Have included the statement Thank you all. QQredact.pdf
  7. Sorry I never came back to this was without internet and quite ill with kidney issues Thanks for the advice given so far. Im trying to tackle all payday loan debts before I have another CCJ to deal with. This one wasnt peachy original lender was swift sterling. I have not heard from them again since they were told I dont live at the address .. .. Not sure what to do about them.
  8. Im not entirely sure tbh, round about 2012-2013 I think. I stopped paying them all years ago to leave the PDL cycle but seems a few are starting to catch up with me now Im trying to pull my head out of the sand and get them all dealt with before they all turn into CCJs. And hoping for a few refunds in the process.
  9. Hi, Just wondering if I make a complaint about irresponsible lending will that halt any action being taken on a debt? Had 3 letters from Moriarty Law re Motormile for old payday loans with Northway Broker Ltd to my ex's mums house. This was in June! Have only just been told by ex's mum that she opened these letters and that she told them I dont live there anymore. The letter states 'In the event we do not hear from you within the next 14 days we have been instructed to issue proceedings without further reference to yourself.' Now as I say this was in June. They havent been in touch since but worried about them going to another previous address and trying to do a ccj there. There are three separate loans -£286.47 £218.75 and £318.96 Not sure how to move forward with them any ideas would be great thank you.
  10. Thank you so so much for this Andy! It looks great. I'll get it posted off tomorrow and get another donation made. Sorry they aren't very big. Will update as I can.
  11. Sorry just double checked and in the bottom left corner was the reference number.
  12. Thank you, Andy. Much appreciated. It has to be there by Monday, am I ok for time? I thought I should be posting it today really?
  13. IN THE --------------- COUNTY COURT* Claim No. ------------- BETWEEN: Claimant Asset Collections & Investigations Limited AND Defendant ---------------- _________________________________ WITNESS STATEMENT OF ----------------- _________________________________ I ----------------, being the Defendant in this case will state as follows; I make this Witness Statement in support of my defense in the claim. 1. On or around the 2nd June 2017, I received a claims form from the County Court Business Centre, Northampton, for the amount of £2---------- 2. The agreement number/ reference number does not relate to any account I own. 3. The particulars of claim state that this claim is for 'an unpaid loan funded by The Lending Stream. I have no idea what this is, upon checking my Lending Stream account there is no loan with an agreement/reference number the claimant refers to. Nor for the alleged sum of £--------- 4. The particulars of claim fail to state when the agreement was entered into. 5. There were no details about when the alleged default occurred, the degree of default or details as to how the sums claimed have accrued. 6.The Claimant's particulars fail to plead four separate loans rolled into one. Only stating 'an unpaid loan funded by The Lending Stream' and only issuing one claim. 7. At no point has there been a request by the Claimant to merge the loans into one single loan. 8. If the Claimant had suggested we merge the loans into one single loan I wouldn't have been agreeable to this. 9. On the 13th June 2017 I made a formal written request to the Claimant,[Exhibit A] sent by recorded delivery [Exhibit B] and including a £1 fee (which was cashed) for them to provide me with a copy of my Consumer Credit Agreement as entitled to do so under sections 77 of the Consumer Credit Act 1974. 10. On the 13th June I made a CPR 31.14 formal written request to the claimant, [Exhibit C] (no solicitors mentioned on the claim form) sent by recorded delivery,[Exhibit B] which was received and signed for. I enquired for information including: 1. Agreement/contract 2. Notice of assignment 3. The Default notice 4. Statement of Account 11. The claimant has not complied with my full requests and have sent only partial documentation despite entitlement to inspect all of these documents. 12. The Claimant states that the Claimant was issued with a default notice letter as per agreement and highlights their exhibit 2, 2a, 2b,2c. What was actually disclosed were 'Notice of Sums in Arrears' No Default Notices have been disclosed. 13. The Claimant has not been able to clarify by way of an itemised list how the alleged balance was derived and the legality of the charges applied to the said balance. The claimant has not in any way proven the existence of the alleged debt. 14. The Claimant has issued a £40 fee on each of the four loan agreements and has also claimed further interest on the claims section 69 15. The Claimant states that 'The Defendant failed to respond to the Claimants messages, emails or calls. The Claimant then pursued collection activity to retrieve the outstanding balance.' The Defendant did in fact respond to the Claimant via the Claimant's website to dispute the debt [Exhibit D] 16. The Claimant suggest 'All postal correspondence was sent the address details that were provided by The Lending Stream, which have been confirmed to be the address the Defendant is residing at based on the N9B form submitted confirming this.' When in fact the Claimant wrote to the Defendant in March 2016 at a at said address. The Claimant then allegedly sent the Notice of Assignment in June 2016 to an old address which was not received by the Defendant. The Claimant then continued to correspond at the Claimant's newer stated address. 17. The Claimants pleaded case is that the Defendant entered into an agreement with Lending Stream under account reference ---------- I am uncertain as to which account this refers to. It is accepted that I have had loans with Lending Stream in the past however the account number given does not relate to any information I have, therefore it is essential that I have sight of the agreement relied upon by the Claimant to be able to accurately identify to what the claim refers.* In light of the above, having regard to the fact the Claimant has failed to abide to issuing separate claims for each agreement and merging four separate accounts into one without the Defendants permission. I would also like to highlight that due to this and without prior explanation the Defendant did not know what the debt was. Therefore disputing the debt, without any further contact from the Claimant the claim was issued not giving the Defendant a chance to sort this out amicably. Statement of Truth I, --------------- the Defendant, believe the facts stated within this Witness Statement to be true. Signed: ________________________________ Dated: ________________________________
  14. Sorry, I'm a little slow. Am I still ok going forward with this. I'm trying to research as much as I can but it's quite confusing. Should I amend my WS should I add the 2 new points I mentioned? How his isn't the truth regarding address and also how I contacted them to dispute the debt.
  15. I dont know where this leaves me now. Any advice would be welcome. I have to file and serve by 18th. Are they ok to merge all loans? I never ever agreed to this. Also, I don't know if it is relevant but he has lied in his witness statement. He states that 'At no point between purchasing the debt and commencing Court Action did the Defendant inform the Claimant of any change of circumstances. All postal correspondence was sent the address details that were provided by The Lending Stream, which have been confirmed to be the address the Defendant is residing at based on the N9B form submitted confirming this.' Yet the NOA was sent to my old address. And the court papers were sent to a newer one. Also it states that I have not been in touch with them - 'The Claimant attempted to contact the Defendant by telephone and email on numerous occasions as to ascertain why the full contractual payment could not be made. The Defendant failed to respond to the Claimants messages, calls or emails. The Claimant then pursued collection activity to retrieve the outstanding balance.' They wrote to me in March 2016 at newer address I do not have the letter though. They sent NOA to old address in June 2016 so I never got this but if you could see the letter the address is in a different font so I dont think they did but obviously cant prove that. They then wrote to me at newer address again in September 2016, have a photograph of that letter. I have a screenshot on my phone showing that I contacted them in October disputing the debt via there website and nobody got back to me. (Only just found this this afternoon) I disputed it as I didnt recognise the reference number.
  16. Hope this is ok. Thanks Email_from_asset_(11_files_merged) redacted copy.pdf
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