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Everything posted by Stellafish

  1. See, this is the problem I have. I'm a law abiding citizen but have very little faith in the police these days. So I'm really here trying to gauge what my options are. I certainly don't believe I've done anything to endanger pedestrians or other motorists and don't believe that I could have gone through an amber light that was verging red. If I have gone through on Amber, I would have deemed it that it was safer to go through than to stop (The officer has said I braked for the yellow light but then took my foot off the brake and went through which surely would corroborate this) So really what i'm trying to ascertain is, has the officer done anything wrong, out of the ordinary or unorthodox that I could make a formal complaint about? Whether it be: * Processing the accusation so quickly that he must have jumped the queue. In all likelihood, he went straight into the station at the time and opened the case * Handling the case himself even though he is the witness while off duty * Visiting my house * Refusing me access to the video (I used the local police website to contact him and request a copy of it) So at which point, can I make a complaint or is there anyone in the force I can speak to to understand if its being processed correctly? I'm also afraid that police forces can be like an old boys club where if you make a complaint against on, you end up with a target on your back.
  2. Hi All, Many thanks for your responses...There's some questions in there so i'll answer them. I actually don't recall the alleged incident, certainly nothing of note or consequence springs to mind. I see a lot of bad and slow drivers on the stretch and so I can only think that I've simply used the 2nd lane to go around them (which me and many many other drivers do) and that he's taken offence at it. I do drive a nice car yes. The visit was to "have a chat" at which point he cautioned me and told me to expect a summons. Not sure if this is standard practice?!? There's one question I could really do with understand though is if I do receive a summons, am I legally entitled to review the dashcam footage before entering a plea? I am wondering if he's chancing that I don't challenge it?
  3. Hi Bazzas, I haven't received a summons as yet but the "Who was driving" stated that I had gone through a red light at a pedestrian crossing". It was the officer who then told me that it was a yellow light and that I had braked for it and then unbraked and went through on yellow. I did suggest to him that if that was the case, its highly likely that I deemed that I couldn;t have stopped in time safely and therefore chose to take my foot off the brake, to which he responded "You'll have to take that up with the courts". The dashcam was in his own personal car so must be a home use one. I guess I'll have to wait for the summons. In which case, will that letter state the evidence? And again, am I entitled to see a copy of that before making a plea? if so, how to I go about obtaining it before the court case?
  4. Hi, Recently I received a letter from the local force with an accusation of me going through a red light at a pedestrian crossing. This letter was simply asking who was driving at the time. However, the very odd this about this letter was that it arrived within less than 32 hours of the supposed incident, 2nd class. Of course, I responded to say that I would have been driving at the time. I then didn't hear anything further for 6-8 weeks, until I got a call from an officer wanting to come to the house to discuss the incident. Having spoken to the officer, it turns out that he was the one who witnessed said offence while off duty but has a dash cam (he tells me I actually braked for a yellow light and then took my foot off and went through on yellow). Now, to me it seems very odd that an off duty police officer witnessing and reporting an incident would also be the one dealing with it. It very much feels like a conflict of interest and that he should be a witness only and that a different officer should progress it. I also find it odd that the supposed offence was reported and a "who was driving letter" appeared so quickly. To me this suggests that I did something other than go through a yellow light to upset the officer, I suspect using the second lane of a dual carriage way to go round him (perfectly legal to do) could be the reason. he came to the house to caution me and tell me that I should expect a court summons. Does anyone feel that this is a conflict of interest and that the police officer is acting alone with an emotional response to something I'd done? Is there anything I can do about it? Also, am I legally entitled to see the dashcam footage before pleading guilty/not guilty?
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