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  1. No, I haven't I was hoping I would be able to get extra time.
  2. I was given a section 21 on the 25th October to leave my rental home by 1st January. This is obviously a really difficult time of year to move. My landlord was adamant it could only be extended by 2 extra days. This is probably going to make my family homeless. Is there any legal protection to be able to add on extra time to cover things being shut for Christmas and New Year?
  3. Thank you for your help, I managed to change the appointment to a face to face one with only a two-week delay.
  4. Hi, I had help for the application, but I won't have any help/support on the interview day. It also says on the letter I received that people aren't allowed to talk for you.
  5. I am autistic, have problems with verbal communication and have a PIP phone interview next month, despite the fact when applying it was said I wasn't able to communicate on the phone. I want to continue with it but don’t know how to proceed, as it feels like they are trying to set me up to fail. Thank you
  6. Because the council planning website said it was approved, but as I said it was approved even though they used old/edited documents. Would I find anything different from the Land Registry?
  7. I noticed some building work taking place in the garden of the house that backs onto the bottom of my garden thought nothing of it at the time, and assumed it was an extension. Gradually it got bigger and bigger and I realized it was a new house, in-between two old ones. I checked the council planning website and read all the documents and plans that had been uploaded. Not one of them mentioned any impact to my house or my neighbours, even though it’s being built directly in front of us and we can see straight through the windows. Only their direct neighbours were detailed and told about it. Is that normal? Also, the street plans used to approve this building had my house erased from it (it was built about 7 years ago). I suspect this is either incompetence or done purposely to get approval. Surely councils and planning departments use up to date documents when making plans? If they surveyed the area, how could they have missed an extra house? Is there anything I can do since it is nearly finished? I emailed the council last month and have had no reply. I am not against new builds; it just feels a bit underhand. Thanks
  8. Thanks for the help. I sent a long letter to the head office in London today asking what they are upto so hopefully I will hear back soon. If I get any more home visits, I will either ignore or tell them to wait until I have heard back about my complaint.
  9. No I didn't even think of that as an option. I have never heard of such a thing. Surely if you are no longer eligible then your account is automatically closed? None of the letters I received mentioned I have to close down something or 'credits' only ESA.
  10. I was a long time Income Support / ESA claimant until I moved in with my partner four years ago, and because they work over 30 hrs it was stopped. In that time of no longer being a claimant, I have worked, been a full time parent and thought I was free from the useless DWP, but I have constantly been harassed by post and in person by them. Despite moving various times across the country, I am still getting letters as if I have I have reapplied for ESA and they are refusing my application (I haven't applied), telling me from a certain date in the future, my ESA will change to £0 (I don't receive ESA) or them making appointments for me to attend fit for work interviews. I never give them my new address' which means they must get it from HMRC. So if they know my new addresses, why can they not see I am not a claimant?! The final straw has been in the last few weeks, when I have started having people from the DWP Visiting Team come to my home to check my benefits (that I don't receive and am not eligible for). Luckily, I am never in when they turn up so just get a rescheduling letter (How many times until they give up and don't come back?) At the start of all this I just ignored the letters, thinking no-one could be that stupid, then after about a year I started returning them all as RTS and writing on the envelope that I don't receive benefits, to check their records and to stop contacting me. They haven't listened and them turning up at my home doesn't help my anxiety. I do not want to talk or deal with these idiots anymore, so what should my next move be? Legal action for harassment? A long complaint letter to someone high up? Is their plan just to grind people down until total compliance? I shouldn't have to answer to them anymore.
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