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  1. Thanks, i have searched but you advised someone to stat thier own thread for help?
  2. Hi Guys need help. I have received a Parking notice for my company car from the peel centre Stockport. I wasn't parked I was picking from son up from work and hadnt realised it has changed from attendant to ANPR. Is there any template's i can use to appeal? Details as below Contravention date - 02/01/17 Contraventation time - 21:02 Issue date - 17/02/17 *delayed as company car maybe, although letter is to head office? Entry - 19:58 Exit - 21:02 Stay - 63 Charge £100 or reduced to £60 if paid TODAY No way would have i have waited for my son for an hour? Any help greatly appriciated in subbmitting an appeal many thanks Andy
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