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Everything posted by josh587

  1. the shipment was uninsured hence i couldnt claim any compensation on it.
  2. falso alram guys, im pretty certain it went out on the right time and falls within the 15/16 tax year. i will double check on my statement when i get them but i have managed to check an alternative way.
  3. hi i need to double check on my statements i think i may have got it wrong and it went out in march (just before the tax year ended.) im wiating for my statements now. reported was 6k accontsa made up to 3rd april 15 - 3rd april 16 (just about in line with tax year) If i dont use an advisor, (i cant afford one, last one qouted me £500), cant i just state this to the officer responsible he seems like a reasonable guy whos been very helpful so far. The leaflets also state that i can just tell the officer as soon as i know something is wrong.
  4. in that year the courier company i use also lost one of my shipments further affecting my profits.
  5. this is the advice given by several accountants i have asked. not just one. you declare it as an expense in one year, if some of that stock is left over and sold in following tax year you cant declare it again as its already been accounted for, i still have this stock in hand....which will be sold off in the following year affecting my revenue and profits in that year....it will eventually balance it self out in the end and i will be paying the right amount of tax i need to on my profits.
  6. Hi i have reordered a setup of bank statements from my bank to double check this again, when this payment went out. from what i can remember it was just over my accounting period possibly 14th april. if this is the case, it would bring my profit figure higher although below the peronal tax allowance so no tax would be due but i would probably be facing a penalty? is this right?
  7. Hi guys, hes replied back and stated that he can progress the enquiry without a face to face meeting but it might take slightley longer to conclude and if hes got any questions for me he will email them to me. regarding opening/closing stock records - this was something i emailed him about, I stated under cash basis form of accounting i didnt have to keep opening/closing stock records as per the advice of an accountant. and he stated that "hes satisfied i have answered these points and no further action is required at this time" there were two other points which i clarified him on > 1- any estimates i used in my calulations - i said i used true actual figures 2 - any other income i had - i said i didnt have any other income. as for stock purchase - the amount was for just under £1900 i have it dated as being made in 05 jan 16 - it was paid for around late april 16. (after the tax year had ended). this is just something that i have spotted myself, and something which the officer has not raised with me. i wont be sending that letter posted above right now i will wait for his next reply.
  8. once he replies back, i was thinking of sending him the following letter as written on the following forum (but obviously adjust it so that it applies to me)...if the officer wants a general understanding of my business i can send this in writing which this thread suggests who probably was in a similar situation to me with hmrc reuesting meetings. http://www.accountingweb.co.uk/any-answers/hmrc-compliance-check-1 I refer to the request made by you for a meeting of approx 3 hours purely to enable you to gain a better understanding of the business. As you know, both my client and myself have shown good faith by fully co-operating with you thus far, and we intend to continue to do so - I trust that you will reciprocate our good faith. I understand from you that you hold no information to suggest that there are any inaccuracies in the Tax Return - if such understanding is incorrect, please advise me by return of any matter(s) which give(s) any indication that any amendments are required to the Return. To avoid inconvenience to my client and myself, and in order to bring matters to a close ( and since, with respect of course, the request for a three-hour meeting implies a degree of inexperience within HMRC of basic operational matters for this type of business) may I respond to your request for information as to how the business operates as follows :- (1) Custom is obtained from . . . . . (2) etc etc [ set out 6 or 7 operational aspects ] If you are unsure re any of the above matters, please advise me accordingly. The private bank statements are unrelated to the business and I consider there to be no need to supply these to you [ delete this if inapplicable of course]. In the hopefully unlikely event that any questions arise from the above, please address those questions promptly to me. If, however, you have no questions to raise, and since I understand that you have indicated that you hold no information which casts doubt on the accuracy of the Tax Return, I look forward to receiving a closure notice reflecting no adjustments to the figures on the Return. Yours " can anyone advise if this would be a nice firm handed letter if it was adjusted for my needs? thanks.
  9. hi But is a meeting really neccsasry, i can discuss anything they want over the phone, a meeting is invonvenient for me right now. I am awaiting the officers response. With reagrds to the opening/closing stock records, the officer was fine with my explanation that under cash basis accounting i didnt have to keep opening/closing stock records. There is one thing that i did note to myself in which, i think i MIGHT have been seen to over inflate my stock expense (basically i made an order for stock on 25th april 16, which i declared in the 2015/16 tax year but i should have decalred it in the following 16//17 tax year as thats when the order falls under) this may be an error on my part but i could have sworn i made the order early april but bank statements says otherwise. i have two options 1) own up to the mistake and tell the officer or 2) dont say anything and dont declare this order as an expense in the 16/17 tax year in which my profits would be higher.
  10. hi slick, its a long story re my health. Ok i will wait until i reply back. i live with my parents, so having the meeting at my home is not an issue, its just ive not left my home for a while due to some issues im facing hence why im unable to leave my house. He probably wants to gain some calrification of the documents i sent to him, but he suggested a "meeting", is this wholy neccsasry im sure we can do this over the phone and he can ask me whatever he wants answered regarding the documents. how long can they keep this check open for? is there maximuim time limit on these things? also regarding the meeting, will it just be me and the officer or someone else present as well? and what sort of questions do they ask, the officer said its about my records and business in general. http://www.accountingweb.co.uk/any-answers/hmrc-compliance-check-1 ive just read the above link and there are some who suggest not to attend.
  11. hi no ive been housebound, for the last 2 years due to issues with my mental health. Can i ask the officer to come to my home? or would that be abit too intrusive do you think? I really dont understand, my records show how much ive generated in revenue the last tax year if the officer went through it then deducted the expenses he would know ive declared the right amount to hmrc, if i made a mistake in the amount i decalred sureley they he could just say to me you made more in profits after my declared expenses then he could be upfront and say to me my decalred figure is wrong...so why is all this neccsasry? i have read the links provided and now understand how it could look if i decline the interview, but i have no other choice, i have already done this, if i could attend i would do so as i have nothing to hide, but things have been on top of me latley ive put eerything on hold in my life and this is something else i cant deal with right now. well the officer did phone me at the start but i couldnt answer and missed the call....what happened next is i sent an email to the officer due to convenience of email and send my digital documents via email too..so i just communicated via email. Its not an interview he stated its a "meeting" but its probably really an interview. so what should i do, do you think? im waiting for his reply now, i told him im unable to attend, if he wants he can phone me and i can asnwer any questions he has.... if he declines the phone call....do you think its ok for me to invite him to my home address for the meeting?
  12. he said he wants to discuss my "business records and business in general" at the meeting, sureley i can do this over the phone?
  13. hi guys an update on this, ive provided everything i can to the officer, but hes stated he wants to meet at there offices which i am unable to do due to ill health? i dont understand why, as ive provided everything to them via email. i have asked if he could call me and he can contact me by phone and ask me what he wants to know, is this ok?
  14. hi, so ive sent most things they have asked for off to them last week. I havent had any response from them yet. Is there a general guidline on how long these things can take to be settled?
  15. Sorry mate, im just worried. Ive calmed down a bit now. Ive check everything, it looks kool on my side. Nothing in there thats not supposed to be there.
  16. also what do i say if hmrc ring me, should i answer there questions or anything like that? ive read that i can ask them to send me everything in writing should they need anything answered, regarding these compliance checks?
  17. OK, so basically once i send eveyrthing off, i will put a covering letter inside the envelope along with the docuemnts. What do i do regarding stock records? Ive already told the officer i dont have opening and closing stock records as a soletrader below the vat threshold i dont need to do this. What about just stock records?
  18. Hi ive recieved the statements today, and have gone through them page by page, everything looks ok to me. (i would know) I only have one source of income, nothing else, i dont own/rent property or have any undeclared savings other than what is in my current account. Please advice.
  19. Thanks, i knew it was, ive been trading less and profits have been lower year after year that added with filling consistently late the two years probably flagged me. profits were 50% of what it was the year before. Can you eleborate further on what you mean by unexpected? do you mean like any benefits ive recieved or other income which i havent decalred, if so, this doesnt apply to me as i dont claim any benefits (i MAY be entitled to them as my income is low in the 15-16 tax year but i dont claim any of them), neither do i have any other income which i havent declared to hmrc. In that year i MAY have recieved some money from my father to buy some stock (which i have since payed back)....so this wouldnt count as income....also i had a payout from my car insurance as it was involved in a car accident, again, something that shouldnt be looked at as income. if i am dead set sure that there is nothing to find in my statements, do you suggest i send them off to them? The way they wrote they want stock records is like this -> they want "stock records (including opening and closing stock records) Im assuming its not only opening and closing stock records they want....they want stock records too? i dont know what i can send for this? any suggestions.
  20. the letter states the check is being made under section 9a of the taxes management act 1970, if this helps you understand any further on the type of letter it is. it does look like a template with other informational leaflet titled (general information about a compliance check) with the letter.
  21. i suppose your right, ive never had to deal with anything like this before and to be honest im totally new to it so dont know what my rights are. But this has got me worried though, im not sure why im being targeted for this. Well i cant not say to them i cant send the documents they request? am i within my right to do so? if i send them the documents and they confirm i have delcared my income right then this problem goes away.
  22. Hi ok. yes this was the case with me hence had to use my personal account. hopefully tomorrow i will get a response. im not susre whether i should just print the profit & loss summary off and send it in paper form or put it on dvd? sames goes for the itemised expenses i claimed for that year. its the same thing really whethere its printed or on dvd.
  23. one other question, i used my current perosnal account to pay suppliers rather than my busniess account, is this a problem? i did this as my business account is kind of poor they dont allow transfers internationally.
  24. Hi thanks slick. I will do. Just waiting to here back from them re my questions. Thanks.
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