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Everything posted by Sdq23

  1. Hello everyone, apologies for replying back very late (after 3 months), I have been extremely busy. Basically I managed to come to an agreement with Swift Advances where I had to pay them a lump sum roughly a quarter of the remaining balance and pay the rest after a couple of months. They cancelled the court order, so I didn't have to go to court. However, I did hand in the N244 since Swift were not coming to an agreement but at the end they did. I am still struggling with how I will be able to pay them the remaining balance. I am trying to sell the land I own in another country but it may take some more time before I manage to sell it and get the full funds. What do you guys think I should do? If you require some more documentation please let me know exactly what you need. Also I am struggling to understand the previous comments, so if you could explain it in more simpler terms. Your help and advice would be much appreciated! Thanks.
  2. I have attached payment history from 2006-2013 and also payment history for 2012-2013. I don't have time right now to upload all the statements since it will take a while to find then scan them all. Thanks swift payment history breakdown 2012-2013.pdf swift payment history 2006-2013.pdf
  3. I want to upload the payment history from 2006 to 2013. How do I do this?
  4. Date of Execution of Loan: December 2005 Duration of Loan: 120 Months Amount of Credit for Loan: £25,365.00 Broker Fee: £2,500.00 Admin Fee: £530.00 Arrears: £8,592 Opening Balance December 2016: £42,796.28 This is from the Account statement in December 2016 Apologies for the Arrears figure in the first post. When I have checked through most of the statements I will post the penalty charges and insurances.
  5. In 2006 I took out a secured loan on my property with swift advances, the loan was £44,000. The loan term was 10 years, with monthly repayments of approx £450. 3 years ago I missed a few payments and fell into arrears with them of £4000 and in 2014 they took me to court in regards to the arrears. I managed to clear the arrears by making an agreement of paying £200 more on top of the original monthly payments. The arrears were cleared but now the term of the loan has ended (in 2016) and I am left with £44,000 still left to pay (somehow??). Swift are now planning to repossess my property next week unless I can pay them the full amount. I have put in the N244 in court today and have my hearing on Monday. I have been in contact with swift for these past few weeks trying to sort out something with them but they aren't listening. I also have 2 acres of land in another country which I have told swift I am willing to sell to pay the amount I owe but it will take a few months for it to get sorted. I have even showed them the documents and letters from the lawyers in that country. But they are still not budging. Can anybody please help with some advice?
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