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  1. thanks - here's what I've written in reply DLC reference ******* Client reference ********** Dear Mr Locke Reference your letter dated 03/10/08. You appear, deliberately or otherwise, to be misunderstanding the contents of my previous letter (I have enclosed a copy for your reference). I have not asked you to provide a copy of the agreement, true or otherwise, Hillesden Securities do not by law have any right to attempt to claim money from me. I certainly owe you nothing and you should not have any of my details on your files, the account was in dispute and therefore at no time should it have been “sold” to you, by accessing my information you have broken Data protection legislation and I shall be seeking damages against you. You are attempting to claim money through acts of menace, aimed specifically at causing me undue stress and emotional turmoil, again I will be seeking damages against you in this regard. I have made a complaint to the Financial Ombudsman regarding yourselves, Buchanan Clark & Wells & Cahoot, you can expect to hear from them shortly. I look forward to receiving your assurance that this matter is now closed, the alleged account with yourself has been closed and that you have remedied any damage you have caused to my credit rating; if I do not you will be hearing from my solicitor. Yours sincerely ****** Is there anything else that can be said or done?
  2. Guys apologies for resurrecting this old thread, I've sent a letter off to Hillesden, who have supposedly bought the debt, saying that I don't recognise any debt to them and that both Cahoot and BCW are guilty of selling on a debt in dispute & as 10 months had passed the debt is now unenforceable. I made the CCA request in December and heard nothing. I received a letter back from Hillesden saying that they would either forward on the agreement or send a true copy, I am replying back to them saying that under the Highcourt case outlined earlier in this topic that there is no debt and unless they confirm it is all closed, that I will be taking them to court. I'm also going to fill in an OFT and FOS complaint about them, Cahoot & BCW. Is there anything else I should be doing, also is that case still an effective precedent and do they have a leg to stand on?
  3. This post was mightily prophetic, I've just had a letter through from some chancers saying they now own the debt. I've got no idea who these people are or if I should bother replying to them, is there a standard letter available to this, as the original debt holder still haven't furnished me with a CCA? I don't want to go upsetting a hornet's nest if I don't have to.
  4. timmrichards


    excellent, I have included that little quote in my letter to them: Dear Sir/Madam Re:− Account/Reference Number **** **** **** **** With reference to the above agreement, I would be grateful if you would send me a copy of this credit agreement. You have recently closed my account without providing any rationale for doing so, despite two separate requests I have received the same answer “I'm unable to give you specific reasons why your Egg Card has been closed.” A Spokesman for your company recently said the following: "As previously advised, customers will not be able to use their Egg credit card once the notice period has ended, but can continue to pay at least the minimum monthly repayment, continue with their current monthly payment arrangement or have the option to pay their balance in full. Egg is not asking for immediate repayment of balances or making any changes to their current terms and conditions or interest rates.” Can you please advise as to why my interest rate, since the closure of the account, has been raised to 26.4%. I am sure the Financial Ombudsman, Watchdog, the media and my Member of Parliament will also be interested in your response. I look forward to hearing from you.
  5. timmrichards


    Hi Egg recently closed my account, and since they have done so have actually raised the interest on my account to 26.9%. Is this legal? Can anyone help with questioning the validity of their policy?
  6. just a question, has there ever been a case to test the validity of a DCA's right to secure the whole debt. DCA's only pay a percentage to take ownership of the debt, I'm assuming, surely the consumer, who has no agreement with the DCA, would only be obliged to pay what the DCA paid for the debt plus legitimate expenses? It all seems to be remarkably murky, and DCAs appear to prey on the weak and ill-informed, since I've stood up to their strong-arm tactics they seem to have gone quieter. I was panicking like nobodies business before finding this site, it's like an oasis of calm here.
  7. They've not even said that, they've made absolutely no contact via letter since I sent the CCA request. I've had maybe 2 calls since, but even they've started to dry up. It's all a little strange.
  8. Can you guys please confirm, that now I have requested the CCA information and they haven't returned it, that this particular DCA, now cannot collect the debt? Is there a CCA request non-compliance standard letter available, I've looked for one, but have been unable to find. thanks T
  9. thanks guys, can you let me know if there's a template letter I can use?
  10. cool and can you let me know what that achieves? Do they get fined, or have to clear the debt. thanks for your help. Oh and is this directed to the DCA or the credit card company?
  11. 28th has been and gone, no Credit Agreement sent, they also haven't sent any further letters demanding payment. They are calling approximately every 2/3 weeks though. What are the next steps please folks? I'm quite happy with things as they are, I can take an annoying phonecall once a fortnight as I just cut them off.
  12. I received my first call from them in weeks, so I'm printing off the harassment letter. They're still calling my business line and preventing me from working, do I have any legal protection against that? PS still no Credit Agreement, I sent the letter on the 7th it was received and signed for on the tenth, by my calculations they are 5 days shy of commiting a summary offence. Forgot to say they are now calling up as Apex credit, I believe they merged with or acquired B,C & W, does my dispute still hold sway or do I have to resend all documentation?
  13. I sent the non-acknowledgement of debt/request for a copy of the credit agreement letter by recorded delivery and it arrived on the 10th of December, I thought it being over Christmas that it would take a little while longer to arrive back with me. It's now the 5th of Jan, I think that's a reasonable length of time to wait, and I still haven't received a copy. The phone calls have dried up somewhat although the same guy did call, saying he was from Apex credit, I'd already done my research into BCW and found out there's a relationship between the two companies. I enquired as to how he came about having the number and threatened him with action under Data protection laws, he's not called again since. What's the next action please folks?
  14. Excellent, is there a letter that I can copy on here? Should I cc the DCA involved as well.
  15. I've now sent off the letter, they are still calling me every day, the number they have is my business mobile and so I have to take the call incase it's business related. I shouldn't have given them the number, which was stupid, I have told them to stop calling and put everything in writing to me. I have told them I am going to start legal proceedings against them for calling in office hours and preventing me from doing my job, can I or is that just an empty threat? This lot are like a dog with a bone.
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