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Everything posted by larachmor

  1. Many thanks for that. And, to reinforce your own point: When I took the machine back following the failed repair I had printed out a section of advice from 'Which' outlining what I was entitled to, just a dozen lines or so, both the guy at the "returns" counter, and later the manager refused point blank to read it. "We have our OWN policy" the manager explained, to which I said, "So you are telling me that your policy trumps the law ?" ...... "We've seen it all before" she responded. This for me was the "light the blue touch paper" moment. As you rightly say, local managers need retraining, and judging from the response from Head Office she and her staff will I'm sure be getting it.
  2. Just thought I'd give an update on my complaint, outlined above.... On return, Curry's maintained their stance in-store, refusing to give me a refund. However, I stood my ground, and after an hour, when the manager (not that I believed her) was authorised by "the computer" to issue a refund. Regardless, I complained to Curry's as to how my complaint was handled. I later received a telephone call from Curry's head Office Customer Services manager, who in turn had sought advice from their own litigation department. It turns out that my complaint was, in the words of their litigation advisor "bang on." In the absence of their ability to offer a replacement, and the fact that it had previously been repaired entitled me without question, to a refund. The management at the store were wrong in insisting that they could send it off for a second repair, or, as they did, offer a credit note. My rejection of the product was absolutely correct. The Customer Services manager at Head Office explained that this was not the way Curry's would normally deal with such complaints, and that I should have been dealt with within a few minutes. Furthermore he issued additional compensation for my inconvenience, adding that the staff at the store would be "dealt with," though this understandably would be confidential. And so, though they do have a right to replace (which was never disputed) If as they were, unable to do so they must in these circumstances issue a refund. They DO NOT have the option to insist on a SECOND repair.
  3. Thanks for the reply - BUT, according to Which, the Consumer Act of 2015 states (outside of the 30 day period) ..... "If a repair or replacement is not possible, or the attempt at repair fails, or the first replacement also turns out to be defective, you have a further right to receive a refund of up to 100% of the price you paid or to reject the goods for a full refund" ...or... again according to Which .... "If you don't want a refund and still want your product repaired or replaced, you have the right to request the retailer makes further attempts at a repair or replacement."
  4. Hello. Many thanks first of all for the option to join. (I suspected there would be an active forum for those seeking some pointers with regard to consumer rights!!) I did a little research before visiting Curry's today with my "complaint" but remain, for the present, in limbo: In August 2016 we bought a De Longhi coffee machine (on-line) which developed a fault, in that it was intermittently ditching the contents of the machine's reservoir of around 1.5 pints of water over our worktop. (not ideal when electrics are involved) We took it back to our local Curry's (November) and it was returned to De Longhi for "repair." On return, all appeared OK but the same fault recurred (December) and returned it once again. Having done so for a second time in 4 months, I was aware that I was now entitled to a refund or exchange. I stated that I wanted a replacement. Unfortunately they no longer stock the same model, (with the nearest match nearly twice the price) and advised that I should return it to De Longhi personally. I refused, and initially, they declined even a refund. I disputed this and they eventually relented. However, I stated that I wanted a replacement as a refund would leave me disadvantaged at having to pay more. Management become involved, and between us we agreed that they could e-mail De Longhi asking if they would be prepared to replace it. I anticipate that they will, if not with the same model, with an equivalent. Should they refuse, I would like to know my rights ahead of their reply.. . if anybody can advise? (I imagine in this case that Curry's themselves would be obliged to offer an alternative, even if that were to be their closest match at their expense?) Many thanks in anticipation.
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