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Jim Davis

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Everything posted by Jim Davis

  1. Hi and thanks for the replies. I have no current running credit and no debts at all. The Halifax account wasn't my only account as I still have a Santander account which I've held for many years. Yes I am on the electoral roll at my current address and my credit report shows this.
  2. I have no defaults, no CCJ's and a completely clean credit report. Thanks for the replies.
  3. About two months ago I closed a Halifax current account. I held the account for five years but never used it at all. My credit report has now reduced my credit rating from good to very poor due to closing the Halifax current account. I am completely confused and puzzled. Can anyone explain how this comes about please?
  4. OK Bazza so you are implying that I shouldn't invest in property but take advice from some financial adviser. I think you are talking out of your a**. My first house cost me £7,300 and I sold my last house for £250,000. Please explain why you think such an investment is so poor.
  5. My money is now in my Son's bank account. Nobody has complained or sent him or me any kind of tax demand.
  6. I sent a cheque to my son Terry for £120,000 and he has paid it into his account. The cheque hasn't cleared yet but I advised him to invest the money in property. Meanwhile he will get some interest on the money sat in his savings account. One thing that crossed my mind, will Terry be accused of money laundering? Also will I be accused of money laundering? Are there any tax liabilities for transferring the money to my son? I hope not.
  7. I noticed something strange yesterday when I received my monthly credit report from Noddle. Since banking a load of cash my credit rating has gone down from 619 to 594. I have no blemishes on my credit report apart for one negative for not having a credit card. My credit rating is 3 out of 5 which means I would be turned down for some credit applications or charged a higher then average interest rate. I own my house outright, I have a large bank balance, a secure Civil Service pension and I am considered a financial risk if I applied to borrow a few grand? This country is bonkers, the financial services, banks and credit reference agencies can't tell **** from putty.
  8. To my house sale conveyancing solicitor I provided my paper driving licence, my birth certificate and a recent utility bill. That was accepted as proof of identity for my house sale. I therefore conclude that the proof of identity I provided to my solicitor is insufficient as proof of identity to my own bank.
  9. Hi Andy, I have a Civil Service pension that's in payment. I am not allowed to top it up with any further money. I don't understand how I can make interest on a pension scheme I'm not allowed to top up.
  10. My son Terry said he could get me some interest on my money if I transfer it to his savings account with Barclays Bank. OK no problem. I visit my local branch of Santander and ask them to transfer most of my money into my sons bank account. Santander say they can't do that without photographic proof of my identity such as a passport or a photo driving licence. I have neither so I was unable to transfer the money to my sons bank account. I left my local Santander branch wondering how they accepted my house sale money into my account without me proving my identity. Surely if your not good enough to transfer money out how can you be good enough to transfer money in? I therefore assume banks are bent.
  11. Hi CitizenB and thank you for your reply. Yes my money is in a current account. It's the same account I've had since 1977. I realise that I could open a 123 account. Sadly the 123 account only pays interest on £20,000 and ignores the rest. Thank you for giving me kind advice rather than attacking and insulting me.
  12. Sorry you think I am dumb. Being dumb I wonder how I made so much money. Maybe I'm not as dumb as you think I am. Oh well, such is life. You are welcome to your opinion.
  13. Due to recently selling my house and buying a far cheaper house elsewhere I now have a bank balance of £149,509.10 in my Santander account. Despite this they pay me no interest at all. Santander said I could obtain a different type of account that would pay me interest but only on a balance up to £20,000. I am of the impression that the bank doesn't want my money and would prefer me to transfer it elsewhere. I find this very strange indeed because I thought banks needed people with large balances so they could lend to other people and charge interest on the loans. Seems to me if you have a fairly large amount of money the last place you put it is in a bank. Having no idea where to invest my money I assume I will have to just leave it in the bank and watch it depreciate due to inflation. Oh well, such is life.
  14. I tried to track down my conveyancer from 1989. Sadly he died of a stroke some seven years ago. regarding indemnity insurance I have read that such insurance can be taken out after a restrictive covenant has been breached to cover any future claims from the owner of the covenant. I find that very strange indeed. Seems similar to driving a car without insurance, having a crash and then taking out insurance to cover the damage after the crash.
  15. Today I managed to find all the conveyancing documents and final account from my Solicitor when I bought the house back in 1989. The previous owner of my house had built a small single storey extension on the gable end of the house. My Solicitor must have realised that the previous owner breached the covenant which could lead to claims in the future. He therefore took out indemnity insurance to cover against any such claim. Thank goodness he did this otherwise I would be right in the you-know-what. I suspect there may be thousands of people who have bought ex-council houses and extended without knowledge of an existing restrictive covenant.
  16. Hi King and thanks for your reply. The owner of the covenant is South Gloucestershire Council. My house was a council house until 1985 when the tenant bought it. I bought it from the ex-tenant in 1989 for the full market value. I will tell them to take me to court as you recommend.
  17. Twelve years ago I applied to the planning department of my local council for planning permission to build an extension to my house. I was granted planning permission and therefore built the extension. A planning officer from the council visited here to make sure my application was truthful and accurate. OK no problem. However, I have recently discovered that it was illegal for me to have the extension built due to a restrictive covenant on my house deeds. I wasn't aware that the covenant said that I'm not allowed to extend my house without permission from the owner of the covenant. I have been ordered from the owner of the covenant to demolish my extension as I never obtained covenant permission to build it. The owner of the covenant has offered me the option of paying them £10,000 to remove their demand to have my extension demolished. You may be wondering who is the owner of the covenant. Well the owner is the same council who granted me planning permission to build my extension. I give up.
  18. Well blow me down. I rang my conveyancing solicitors in Stockport this morning and told them I had no form of photo ID. They said not to worry, a recent utility bill and my birth certificate will be sufficient for proof of identity. Therefore their demands for photo ID stated on their paperwork are total tosh. What a relief.
  19. Thanks Unclebulgaria for your post. Well the two local Estate Agents that marketed my house were fully satisfied that I am the house owner named on the deeds. I intended to use the estate agents conveyancing service but dscovered it was more than twice the price of the service offered by a solicitros in Stockport.
  20. OK thanks for your advice, much appreciated. I do actually have my original birth certificate despite it being nearly 60 years old ! Only 40 years to go for my telegram from the Queen !
  21. A friend just told me I could obtain a passport photo from a photo booth and take it to my GP who would sign to say it is an accurate likeness. Is that correct?
  22. Thanks chaps for your useful replies. I will contact the solicitors on Monday and ask about swearing a declaration. Jim.
  23. I put my house on the market at the beginning of December 2016. Last week I received an offer from a prospective buyer that I accepted. Lovely I thought so I rapidly contacted a company of solicitors in Stockport to appoint them for conveyancing. The paperwork from the solicitors arrived here this morning and lists all the things I must provide for the conveyancing to progress. However, the paperwork insists that I must provide photo ID either by photo driving licence or passport. I don't have a driving licence or a passport so I am unable to provide photo ID. Does this mean that I can't sell my house or is there some other way around this issue? I don't want to apply for a passport as I never travel and I don't want to start taking driving lessons to obtain a driving licence that I don't want or need.
  24. Although credit reports never show how much money you have in your bank account, I think they do know. The DWP use credit reference agencies to see if a benefit claimant is hiding money which proves my point. Therefore if you won the lottery any lender would know you had loads of money in your bank account and should be happy to lend you money. Currently I have a large bank balance of non-borrowed money so I find it strange that I am marked down for not having a credit card. My current bank balace would easily cover any money I would be allowed to borrow on a credit card.
  25. I have a negative on my credit report because I don't have a credit card. I am also very near to my 60th birthday. During my life I've had four consecutive mortgages and paid them back perfectly but this isn't mentioned on my credit report.
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