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  1. My concern is that if the court did write to me abroad I still risk missing the court deadlines. Sorry to sound daft but is it normal for cases to remain stayed for several years? When would an application for strike out be a good idea?
  2. I did a SAR last year and have already reclaimed the bank charges. I was hoping to get this struck out before move abroad for a year just in case of further correspondence in my absence.
  3. Hello CAG I hope you can help me. Due to unemployment I fell behind my overdraft payments and HSBC closed the current account in 2013 and sold to Cabot. In October 2015 Restons made a county court claim for a HSBC overdraft debt for £1900 including court fees for an overdraft on behalf of Cabot. I defended this claim based on the lack of documentation from Restons/Cabot and to date no documents have been supplied by Restons. The claim has been stayed just over a year now and I was wondering if I should leave it stayed or get the court to strike it out?
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