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Everything posted by Aleshar79

  1. Also, they offered a settlement via an exit package last Friday which I speedily agreed to(I'm eager to leave the company from hell,lol) and gave them a figure on Monday. However, they have not come back to me and the PH is Friday. I have read they cannot offer an exit package and not go through with it because I can construe that as constructive dismissal; is this correct? I am talking to ACAS but would appreciate any thoughts/experiences you can offer me. Many thanks. Alesha
  2. Hi Thank you for your replies. Yes, that is what they will undoubtedly argue. Question is, what shall I argue back? How does one counter this defence? Thank you once again.
  3. Heya, My employer's solicitors sent this to me today: 'We refer to your impact statement provided in relation to your sickle cell condition. Having considered your statement we write to confirm on behalf of the Respondent that the Respondent accepts for the purposes of this litigation that you were a disabled person within the meaning of Section 6(1) Equality Act 2010 and that your disability is sickle cell anaemia. The Respondent respectfully submits that this issue shall no longer be required to be dealt with at the Preliminary Hearing on 16 December 2016. For the avoidance of any doubt, the Respondent denies all of your claims as set out in its response to the claim. We confirm we have copied this email to the Tribunal.' What shall I make of this? Any input will be greatly appreciated. Thank you.
  4. Hi Paul, Lol, yes sorry, it's an opinion and not advice. I understand that we all have to be careful. I am expecting a letter from my consultant haematologist.... I'll go to CAB tomorrow as well and hopefully pick up more tidbits to help. Thank you for you prompt reply and I appreciate your time. Alesha.
  5. Hi Paul, Trust you're well. My PH is on the 16th Dec and I'll just like to ask you some questions please. Firstly, my employer's lawyers sent the joint bundle for the preliminary hearing. In the bundle, there are none of my letters to my employers which I sent during the disciplinary process i.e. appeal and grievance. Is this normal? The hearing is basically to establish whether I'm disabled (which you kindly advised that I am previously and I looked up the guidance as well) and also whether I am to pay a deposit because the judge 'is not sure of the prospects' etc which I find ridiculous but of course I will, it's my case, lol. I don't know what is required to be in the bundle at this point and any advice you can give will be greatly appreciated. I hope things are going well at your end.
  6. Hi Paul, Sorry for the late reply... been a bit under the weather. Ah I see.. Mine is in March. Really appreciate you helping. I've taken a rogue trader and estate management firm to Small Claims in the past myself but that's about it! I'm trying to complete my statement of loss now. I am still with the company so I think I only have about 2 segments to complete. I believe there was a breach of the ACAS Code by my employer but not sure what percentage to enter. Might just put down the whole 25% and let the ET decide. Alesha
  7. @paulwlton, Many thanks for that. Good luck with your case and I'll be keeping in touch if you don't mind for more help and advice:-). Have a great evening. P.S When is your hearing?
  8. Hi and thanks for your reply... Well, it's complicated but to cut a long story short, I was issued a written warning for a combination of dependants, sick leave and latenesses. I had relocated and experienced a marriage break-down so was really struggling.I appealed the warning but it was upheld.I raised a grievance mostly on the basis that dependants leave was protected to a large extent under the law.My employer then came back and said oh, we didn't discipline you for dependants leave and even if you take out the dependants leave, you would still get the warning:???:. So I appealed the grievance and stated they can't say this after the fact and if they are saying that only my 4 absences and latenesses (caused by relocation and single parenthood) was used to issue the warning, then I'd suffered indirect sex and disability discrimination.My 4 absences are made up of periods of illnesses easily attributable to my illness, they knw I had this illness and they had not sent me to OH.Also, the 4th absence was caused by time taken off for bullying at another branch.They didn't engage with ACAS and after I spoke to CAB,ACAS,EASS and indenpendent research, I believe I had a reasonable claim and went to the ET.At the PH, my employer agreed I had a disability but they disagreed as to how it affected my 'day-to-day activities' so the judge asked me to write the Impact statement. I am just looking for a bit of advice as to whether what I have put together is okay or if I should add/edit. Thank you so much for your other input and it assists a lot.
  9. Hello guys, Can anyone please assist? I need to submit the document by the 23rd November. Thank you.
  10. Hi HB, FKO, Thank you guys so much. I was panicking all day, lol. I am very grateful.
  11. Oh gosh yes how did I miss that?! I'm at work now and don't really want to log in to take that out. I'll do that as soon as I get a private connection unless an administrator can please assist? Thanks HB for letting me know x
  12. With all due respect, what's misleading about my question? I never actually saw any bit about anyone asking this question. Why are people being talked down to? Discrimination does occur in recruitment processes and maybe this is what the OP was trying to get at, albeit in a way that is not clear. Furthermore, this post is just a month old; how old should a post be before it's a no-go area?
  13. Hi Are you saying you feel you may have suffered some sort of discrimination in the process? This is a legitimate concern,I believe.....?
  14. Dear All, I have a claim for disability/indirect sex discrimination against my employer. My employer first disagreed then agreed that my condition is a disability. The judge ordered at the Case Management stage that I should write an impact statement for my employer. I have drafted it but just need help/advice/guidance on what should go in, how to phrase it etc.Any help will be much appreciated. Thank you.
  15. Hi Sidewinder Thank you for your reply.Ooops I might included a couple of things I shouldn't have then. But never mind, I'm a layperson so that shouldn't be too bad. Thanks again and I'll be back for more assistance. Alesha
  16. Hi HB, Many thanks for your reply. Yes, sorry about that; it was due today but the respondent(my employer)had applied to suspend all orders pending the PH in December. I didn't object.However, the ET didn't come back either way and I've decided to obey the order although my employer's lawyers say we shouldn't comply because I did not object.I spoke to 2 ladies at the ET office who advised the judge was still working on the orders and told me to go ahead and submit the list of documents. Hence the late request. Alesha
  17. Dear All, Hello. My disclosure is due today in my discrimination case. I am self-representing.I have done a word document with heading(claim information) and then I did a list of the documents just numbered 1-20. Can you please advise if this is sufficient or I need to do something more sophisticated (like the lawyers would)? Does anyone have a template perhaps? Thank you. Alesha
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