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Everything posted by rjp1963

  1. Some history - I had a mortgage with Northern Rock, which was then transferred to NRAM and now to Landmark mortgages. Today I checked my Experian report, and Landmark Mortgages have posted an arrears file going back 5 years without notifying me. Sometime ago I was unable to pay my mortgage fully so have a 19K arrears which I am now negotiating with them to make a repayment plan - for the last year or so the mortgage payment has been made monthly via Standing Order for the full amount plus a small over payment so the arrears are declining. My question? Whilst the arrears were accumulated with NRAM as I paid via standing order no credit file was ever posted to Experian - Now this file had been posted my score this month has declined to very poor 355 score. How can I address with Landmark? Surely they cannot just post a file to Experian like this when I have no signed credit agreement with Landmark? Haven't they bought the debt from NRAM? All advice gladly accepted
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