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  1. I can't explain how worried this has made me , I feel sick to my stomach. All because I wanted to tell my taxi to wait , I feel so bad and said can I go pay for my book and boots now and they said no you're U ae banned from shopping here ! So I won't have had my details etc passed to the police force ?
  2. Sorry for all the typing mistakes. I hope you all can help me. I feel so bad and literally worried sick
  3. Hello , I don't know how to start a new thread. But had to post. I am frantic with worry. Yesterday I went to sainsburys and put an ok magazine under my arm. I had some boots to collect from the dust service desk and a taxi waiting outisde I stepped out to tell it to wait and was practically fog marched back into the store. Accused of shoplifting and given a life time ban , I'm now worried sick that my details have been given to the police and that people will know what happened. Ive not been able to sleep and am crying as I write this. I have friends and family in the police and though they weren't called I am scared that my details will have been passed on to them and I am waiting for a knock on the door , can someone please help an advice. I was given a letter saying I had a lifetime ban from all stores. All Id wanted to do was tell my taxi to wait whilst I collected my boots. No wasn't even thinking about the book under my arm and I was coming back in the store to pay for my boots and the book and had already. Bought shopping, will they give my details to anyone like te local police force ?
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