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Everything posted by milli0973

  1. typoIn 2011 I went into bankruptcy, I “gave up” some buy to let properties as they went into the BR pot. After approx 12 months I was discharged. One such property, in negative equity, the lender appointed an LPA Receiver and any council tax arrears as a result of the property being empty and unrented were paid by the lender, please see below a breakdown of payments, after my discharge from bankruptcy: 31.10.14 - £564.66 09.07.15 - £341.41 09.02.16 - £486.00 The property is not deemed to be Mortagee in Possession whereby the lender is liable for the council tax, however the lender is indeed acting as mortgagee in possession. Furthermore I have had no dealings or say in the rental or potential sale. Do I have a case to prepare to take to court?
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