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Everything posted by id665310

  1. That is almost correct - the tenant was evicted but currently lives in the very street where the flats are situated. But yes you have identified the circular nature of the problem, that the council housed and then only belatedly evicted a violent tenant but will seemingly not acknowledge itself as the source of why I can't safely go home and are working as if to get me over a barrel. But with apologies for the impossibility of making my account briefer, I have written carefully and checked what I've written. (Could you possibly delete the version in #1 which I corrected to make #2. Thanks. Please do not delete the corrected version.)
  2. Hello. I have been in an exhausting situation regarding my home which is a bedsit in a small block of council flats. It involves antisocial behaviour which led to threats being made against me by someone with a violent and abusive track record and who has been known to police since he was a teenaged boy. I've heard him scream insane threats at his girlfriend both in person and over the phone, absolutely at the top of his lungs. I even asked three women's refuge organisations for advice on this, and have logged details with the police. I have been signed sick for a long time with mental health issues, but not any that cause me to fail to understand events or to misinterpret anything. I also have a degree and am a published writer. I am very mentally capable but exhausted by both my condition and by the events of the last eighteen months. After the threats I fled my home initially intending to, being both exhausted and having lost hope that the council would assist me properly - countless emails were sent to the housing officer, between a third and half of them never replied to. The police were useless and don't even seem to have CAD (or CAB?) reference numbers. I declined to have DAT equipment installed because of a rational fear of reprisals, a fear rendered legitimate by the eventual threats, a point that even today the council staff weirdly seem not to understand. I calmed down a bit and then was contacted by police who talked me into returning to my home town saying the matter would be resolved. This was four months ago and I have been battling the council since. I navigated a three stage complaints procedure and had my complaint dismissed. The arguments they made are false and seem almost psychotic in their evasion of facts, for example they do not address how two other tenants had complained and backed me up, one of them later either intimidated into silence or too dispirited to go on. I mean, this neighbour and I had never even spoken until we talked about the noise and the neglected dogs. I told them about ten days ago that I would then approach the Ombudsman. I think this has put the wind up them. Over the summer I sold belongings to go to the next county to stay in cheap hotels and try and switch the situation off while the dispute and then the complaints procedure went on. I have slept outside a couple of times during this period due to lack of money - I was partly trying to see if I could bear full homelessness if that's where this might all lead. I know I can't now. The first time I went away I had to as following the threats I had a strong pain in my heart lasting a week and feared a heart attack. The break helped a bit and over the summer three breaks away have bought me time and helped partially restore me to pursue this matter, but I am still pretty exhausted. I have repeatedly felt due to lack of hope and a dispirited feeling given the council staff's poor conduct. I mean, this DAT recorder nonsense - they are asking me to risk assault and to do their job and the police's job. It needs to be established that in cases of violent tenants that the DAT method cannot be what dictates procedure. It seems almost designed to make the person complaining to give up, aware of the potential for reprisal. I believe this is deliberate. Worse still, 'comically' enough the tenant was evicted a week ago, for a relatively trivial reason. He was using the car park to do up cars to sell on with his friends. This seems to have mattered more to the council than the distress he has caused me, two adjacent neighbours, the tenant's own dogs, constantly neglected and abandoned in a tiny bedsit, and the tenant's own girlfriend. This eviction has happened either four or I'd say eighteen months too late for me. Worse, I learn that he now lives in the street where the flats are situated. I argue that I am endangered further by the clumsy eviction. I know from the threatening approach made to me that the tenant will resent his eviction and those he imagines played a part in it, and I know from his manner that he does not have the self-awareness to accept that his eviction is his fault. He seems extremely arrogant and used to people doing as he tells them to. He told his girlfriend over the phone that she could not leave her mother's home until he had money and could be present. To give context to this, he assaulted a man outside the flats who he believed was involved with his girlfriend. He is a violently controlling person. He is a perpetrator of domestic abuse. I have been told today in a meeting with the housing officer and a colleague that I have until Friday to decide whether to return to the flat. After that I will lose Housing Benefit. When I said that I still intend to approach the Ombudsman the housing officer's colleague, who seemed to be from higher up, suggested that that could cause me problems, but she could not elaborate on this. I feel she had been briefed to try and halt the complaint and that she was trying to exploit my vulnerable condition. It seemed like she backed out of saying anything explicit because she knew there was nothing she could legally and truthfully say. Or otherwise she had hoped merely to make me anxious about an unspecified consequence. I have sent three emails since the meeting today to share thoughts on what was said, and I have said that I don't think the deadline is fair. I have said the priority is my welfare and that as the belated eviction proves my eighteen month complaint that they are in a weak position. Three months ago they said there were no other homes for me to be moved to. They also didn't tell me what another county's housing adviser told me, that my council can provide financial support to move to private accommodation, including to another county, as I've seriously considered a move there, partly for my own safety. Today they tell me there are flats where I could be rehoused, though in anxiety-causing areas, including a block where there was a murder two years ago - very appetising. It seems to me that the threat of the Ombudsman and my tenacity and perhaps a belated but unexpressed acknowledgement behind closed doors of wrongdoing towards me have very belatedly caused the staff to spring into action, albeit action characterised by further comical incompetence and dishonesty. As they didn't tell me today, I've asked by email late this afternoon if they knew the tenant now lives in the street where the flats are. I feel like the question is a waste of breath because they are taking nothing on board but just swatting my complaints away and trying to browbeat me into accepting a dangerous return to the flat and with absolutely no acknowledgement of the danger. That tenant's friend stabbed someone outside the flats earlier this year. I ran up £1800 of debt after the threats keeping myself alive and under a roof, and then sold belongings, some of sentimental value connected to a deceased relative, and I have told these two people today that aside from the stress I've been caused for eighteen months (in fact three years because the same thing happened with the previous tenant in the same flat in 2011) I am due recompense for what I've lost and the debt which its protracted period of inaction caused. There was some pretence at seeming to help me today, and they say they will fit a panic alarm in my flat and also a door handle on the inside of the building's door so that if I am pursued I can pull the door closed if I can escape, given that the problem tenant is no more than forty or so metres away - currently there is none and it just fastens with a magnet. They say they'll arrange an interview with the CAB for me, but really if they set this three day deadline all that advice comes too late. It seems like utter chaos really. I know from experience that many of the CAB staff do not have command of the material - only last year someone junior was assisting me regarding an ATOS assessment in which the assessor lied, leading to temporary loss of benefit, later instated. I had anxiously waited for that CAB appointment thinking it might give me much needed empowerment but it was an utter mess. I just feel like the council have made a threat and that I don't know my rights, but that they cannot be what the council's threat imply they are. Where do I stand? I need to think quickly, depending on how the staff react to my emails this evening and my request to have the ridiculous deadline moved. It's not right that they've made things such a cram is it? It seems disgusting and unethical - they are acting as if I am the one at fault. Additionally can anyone here tell me the extent of the assistance I can get from my council to move? It was suggested by the adviser at the other county that is help with moving - presumably the van costs - deposit and a period of rent till Housing Benefit takes over. My fear of and the likelihood of an assault, possibly fatal and possible by a group of people, due to the actual prior behaviour of this tenant and his friends, is strong enough that leaving town might be best. I would appreciate all feedback. Thanks.
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