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  1. Thank you, thats a very helpful remark. I have updated it.
  2. I hope not. We're meeting him on 31 October. I already have written out my defence (as per the attachment above) and it shouldnt take long to edit this and submit by 2 Nov.
  3. Thank you. Date of claim is 30 Sep 2016. Therefore service date is 5 October. I have submitted acknowledgement of service so I unbderstand I have 28 days to submit the defence ie. 2 November. Its MCOL so I will be submitting on-line.
  4. Yes we did, all was done properly and above board. The solicitor has put us onto another solicitor in the practice who has greater expertise in this area. We are seeing him next week.
  5. I sold my mothers house in January this year. The buyer is now suing me for misrepresentation. Immediately prior to completion, the buyer noticed that there was a fault with the heating. I offered to have it repaired but this was refused and the buyer demanded £2000 off the purchase price which I declined on the basis that the buyer had refused my offer to have it fixed. I have now received court claim papers. When i signed the property information form the heating was Ok and i stated this on the form. The heating was later turned off for the summer. As the purchase took almost a year, I was asked later to confirm that the information form remained current and I confirmed this as I was not aware of any changes. There is no doubt that at completion there was a fault with the heating though when it stopped working is not known. It was working when I signed the form but by completion it had stopped. the buyer did not undertake any surveys. I have tried to negotiate and I have offered £1000 in settlement without admitting liability, but this has been refused. I attach the particulars of claim and my proposed response and I would welcome any comments. Thank you. response to claim form.pdf Particulars of Claim.pdf
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