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  1. i have had the response to the escalation. They have reiterated that there is no longer a policy of providing the refunds as I didn't notice quickly enough - again I was blamed for not checking my bills. Both CSRs that I have spoken to have claimed that they have been charged in the same way by other companies and therefore it is to be expected that I will be as well. After some discussion, she agreed to break the company rules and arrange a 6 month refund for me and also gave me the name of the complaints department to write to. I will be writing to them after I have taken some legal advice. I don't believe they can prove I have had the letter and therefore I haven't entered into a contract. I am sure if I pulled a similar stunt as a small business, every regulatory body would be jumping down my throat. I suppose I could see what trading standards have to say about it. Will keep you updated.
  2. I have just realised that BT have caught me with this one. They are currently telling me that they will not refund the charges as "it has been on my bill and it is my fault that I didn't check it". This is after another BT rep told me that they would refund me. I have escalated the complaint, but I think this practice is immoral at best and potentially illegal. Anyway wait to see what happens with the escalation, but it is good to know that others have been refunded.
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