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Posts posted by Sirbob00

  1. Hi.  Hopefully I’ve got this is the correct category.


    My daughter took out an IVA 5 weeks ago.  I only found out today while cleaning her room and found a letter.


    When she got home I’ve asked about it and the IVA includes her loan with Santander of £10,000 and an account she has with Clearpay which she owes £12.


    Now her last payment to Santander was the contractual amount of £300 in April so has missed May and June.i've said for her to ring Santander in the morning so we can sort this out.


     When she began the IVA she was in a lower paid job but she’s just began a new one and her pay is higher so won’t have a problem going forward.


     We’ll help with her paying the 2 months arrears but is cancelling a IVA easy?


    Im assuming her credit file maybe a bit trashed although the last letter from Santander dated 26th May was saying if you don’t contact us within 28 days we’ll report the missed payments to credit reference agencies.


    Any help would be much appreciated.

    Thank you.

  2. They did write to us in 2015 after the sale of the house saying they were intending to collect repayment but since then nothing until December 2021 so I guess they did make their intentions clear within the 6 year time frame.  


    I’m unsure of the letter stating they didn’t have the application form as this was in October 2007 which was roughly 10 months after we completed the purchase of the house and I hadn’t asked for the application form.


    I shall wait and see what happens next.  Thank you for your help.

  3. Hi.  This is the first letters since around 2015.  Unfortunately finances aren’t better.  My husband receives ESA and PIP, I claim carers allowance, our home is rented and our car is on motability.  From May money will drop by around £700 per month as our daughter with special needs turns 20 so we will receive no tax credits or child benefit for her (she also receives enhanced rate of PIP) and from September we loose another £300 as our youngest daughter is off to University.


    I did note on their comments a vulnerable marker for my husband.  That hasn’t changed, in fact he’s worse.  Last October I had to quit my job as due to Covid my employer changed all our hours from working Monday - Friday 9-1 to working 5 out of 7 between the hours of 8-6 which initially wasn’t a problem as my daughters were at home doing online learning but then they returned back to education which meant nobody was at home to help my husband.


    I don’t know if I should just wait for the letters and them saying an agent will call or just write and say we have absolutely nothing to offer and all this just makes my husband worse.

  4. Hi.


    I have received the information from the mortgage company (SAR).  


    You asked me to scan the agreement.

     Would that be the mortgage offer?  


    For whatever reason there is no mortgage application form.  


    Apparently they wrote to us in October 2007 saying they can confirm they don’t have our mortgage application form but did enclose the mortgage conditions and a blank copy of the mortgage application form.

  5. Hi

    Sorry for the delay in replying.  Still recovering from a chest infection that has wiped me out again.


    I’ve just read the guidance on a SAR and it mentions excessive.  I’m guessing 6 years since the last one isn’t classed as excessive.


    Also for some reason I can’t find the agreement which I know I had although over the years with the children in/out of the cupboard where it was it’s likely bits of it have gone missing.


    I’ll post the SAR request off today asking for all documentation relating to the mortgage from the application to the repossession and everything in between.


    Many Thanks for your helo

  6. Yes we notified them of our current address when we advised the others.


    Yes I’ve got the agreement.  Our mortgage was for £104,000, house sold for £60,000 and they say £50,000 roughly is outstanding.


    Im still looking through paperwork but I remember someone telling me the mortgage company should have got so many different estate agents to value the property but only got 1.  We paid £115,000, was listed for £70,000 7 years later and £60,000 is what it was sold for.


    I’m wondering if just writing to them advising of our situation.  Husband on PIP and ESA.  I’m his carer and work part time, term time with 2 children still in education although any benefits for them end in May 2022 and August 2022.  Our 19yr old has special needs and also receives PIP.  Basically we can’t afford to repay £50,000.

  7. Hi


    Apologies for posting in the wrong section.  I only just noticed and was try to rectify.


    The mortgage was from a company called Topaz.  It was taken out in January 2007 for roughly £115,000 and was interest only.


    When my husband became sick and lost his job we couldn’t afford to pay and no help was available to us after the payment protection policy we had ran out (payment protection policy wasn’t through mortgage company). We decided to allow the house to be repossessed and we rented in another area.


    From what I recall the house was sold for roughly £60,000 in 2015.  We received a letter informing us of this but since then nothing until today when we’ve received a letter asking for payment or an arrangement to pay.  I’m unsure how to proceed.


    Thank you 

  8. Hi


    We allowed our home to be repossessed in 2014.  The house was sold but much less than what we paid.  It was an interest only mortgage.


     They wrote to us in 2015 regarding the shortfall.  We didn’t respond and now they’ve written to us again asking for the amount to be repaid (just over £50,000).


    They’ve asked us to complete an income/expenditure form and if we don’t reply within 14 days then they says they have instructions to recover the debt by taking further action.


    Could you please advise how best to proceed?


    Many Thanks

  9. Hi


    Some quick advice needed if possible. 

    My eldest daughter is buying her first car and doesn’t want finance due to the interest so is opting for a bank loan (£10,000) to purchase the car.


    Ive read about not paying by bank transfer or cash.  How should she pay?  She doesn’t have a credit card and this is her first ever credit.  She was just going to pay by debit card but don’t know if this offers her the same protection as a credit card.


    Thank you

  10. Thank you very much for the advice.


    We’ve selected a few cars to view the most being £1000 and within 15 miles of where we live all being sold privately.  My brother in law is coming with us as he’s a service manager for BMW previously also working with Volvo, Renault, Nissan and VW.  My daughter has her test booked in the next few weeks so hopefully she’ll pass and enjoy many happy driving years.

  11. Hi


    My daughter is 17 and learning to drive.  We are looking for a car but not many used ones about at the moment that are being sold privately.  We are thinking of using a garage but is there a best way to pay for the car?  Just in case there is anything goes wrong.  I won’t be doing finance and probably looking to spend £2000 (we have £1000 saved)


    Many Thanks

  12. Many thanks for reopening.


    Next August the CCJ will be 6 years old.  We’ve heard nothing since they applied for an AOE but couldn’t.  I’m aware it won’t ever be statue barred and I’ve no clue if they’ll contact us before the 6 years but was wondering if they don’t contact us and they have to go to court to reopen would we have the chance to defend or has that option completely passed?

  13. I know I’ve a thread on this subject already so hoping my question can be added to the thread.


    After many years of debt my husband and I are starting to see light at the end of the tunnel.


    Jointly we still have the mortgage shortfall after repossession and the secured loan that was on top of it.  Both last paid in 2014 June/July time.  So aware they can still be chased.


    Husband has 2 CCJ’s that due to burying our heads  in the sand we didn’t challenge.  Both show on his credit file and both will be 6years next year since CCJ’s granted. Maybe they’ll start writing to him soon but not sure.  When they fall off his report and I know they’ll never be statute barred if they go to court to reopen them would we have an option to defend then or has that chance completely gone?  One if for an old Capital One CC for £774 and the other MBNA for over £13,000.


    Many Thanks

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