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  1. Thanks for your reply If I send for a SAR and it comes back which says that I have tiked a box saying that I want PPI will I still have a case? It ws over 20 years ago and to be honst probably did not understand what I as signing up to just wanterd to get the credit card
  2. Hi, I'm new on here so please forgive me for asking questions that I have no doubt have already been asked. First of all I like to say thank you for this forum. I have started to check for PPI (not through a management company) but keep getting problems which I don't know what to do next. I wrote to Barclaycard to see if I had PPI (I have no paperwork as the accounts go back 20 years and was closed around 10 years ago). I got a response saying I have 2 products with PPI and was given account numbers. I then went on to fill out a form online. I get a response saying that my claim has been rejected, reason being that I did it by post so was given all the information I needed. So my question is what next? Do I except their decision or do I still have a case? I cannot recall asking for PPI so I'm presuming I must have ticked a box but probable did not know what I was ticking. Any help will be gratefully received
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