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  1. Hi - I'm looking for answers to what I hope are 3 straightforward questions and I'd be very grateful the assistance of anyone who is experienced at reclaiming PPI. I took out a £10k loan with Halifax in Nov 2003, and the loan period ends Dec 2009. I was sold PPI, well, I say sold but I was actually led to believe that I had no choice but to accept the charges. In fact that I have a copy of the loan application form and I signed the box that I did not want Personal Loan Repayments Cover. Do I have a watertight claim? Assuming I do, I'm trying to work out how much to reclaim. I've used the New Square Chambers calculator but I'd like a second or third, etc, opinion. I was charged £2,527.93 for the insurance loan, plus £799.91 for the credit for the insurance loan, giving a total of £3,327.84. My APR was 9.9%. Using this data with the New Square calculator, I make the interest to amount to £2032.70. If my sums are right then I'm entitled to claim £5360.54 - is that correct? My other question relates to timing: my loan period ends at the end of December this year. If my reclaim isn't resolved by then, do I lose my ability to claim? Many thanks, G
  2. GMcPhee v Bank of Scotland paid in full £3003 received last week. I now know that there's nothing to fear about reclaiming bank charges. If you're thinking about doing it but are scared of the process then don't be: it's your money which the bank took from you illegally! My case was so effortless that all I had to do was punch in the details of my claim on the moneyclaim website, waited 28 days for the judgement, then claimed the money. I spent some time on the phone asking why BoS were taking so long to repay the money, but eventually they paid.
  3. Hi there, I issued the warrant on 31 Jan and haven't heard anything. If any of you issued a warrant and got your money, how long was it before you received your money? Thanks, Grant
  4. Glen UK - when you say 'what did the court say' are you referring to whether they judged in my favour or not? Thanks, G
  5. Hi, My judgement was issued to HBOS on 11 Jan and I requested immediate payment. Can anyone who has already claimed HBOS tell me how long I should wait before I issue a warrant? Thanks, G
  6. Batgammon, I'm on the same boat as you, though slightly further on in the process. I filed my claim with moneyclaim in December 2006 and though the bank said it was going to prepare a case, they never did. So after their time elapsed (10 Jan) I issued the judgement. I'm still waiting on payment, but it has been very, very easy thus far. I was a little reticent at the beginning of the procedure: going to court against my bank was a little daunting. But I have done everything through the moneyclaim website. So for the sake of a few mouse clicks and some information I'm due to get over £3,000 back from my bank. I think you could say that it's well worth it.
  7. Hi, Forgive my ignorance, but does anyone know when the 6 year period for claiming actually begins? I presume it's when the case is registered on moneyclaim. I'm asking this because I wrote to my banks in March this year but am only now about to register my claim with moneyclaim. I've yet to find out for sure, but I believe that some of the charges I had included in my letter to the banks have now elapsed as they now are outwith the 6 year period (ie they were applied between Mar - Dec 2000). If my assumption is correct, do I have to write again to my banks with a recalculated amount, or can I proceed to court based on the amount referred to in my letter from March? Any comments appreciated. Thanks, G
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